Example sentences of "then he [modal v] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The letter was couched in terms which contrived to suggest that if it was not acceptable then he would think of something better .
2 Then he would go to his study and attend to his own writing , characteristically composing straight onto the typewriter and standing at a kind of lectern .
3 That was the way his mind worked ; he would be struck by a sentence or a phrase , then he would worry at it , turning it this way and that .
4 Then he 'll stare at me silently , until I say more .
5 Well , then he might have to he makes a mess of that bed I ai n't made of money you know !
6 She could make quite sure that he did , and then he could stay with her ; at least for a little longer .
7 If that was the boy 's only motivation , then he could deal with it .
8 Then he can sit in his favourite alcove and keep constant vigil , while everything appears as normal as usual . ’
9 Then he can come with me while I run these groceries round to Marbury Road .
10 If no one on the floor wishes to take the other side of the trade then he can deal with his own customer .
11 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
12 He would lead them into the yard and behind the sheds , and then he 'd point at nothing and say there it was .
13 He had stood it until his heart bade fair to burst with longing , and if they could not cross the river , then he must go to them .
14 then he will have under me have to say , Jimmy does not agree with this
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