Example sentences of "then [vb pp] and [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The appropriate body within a member state ( e.g. DTI and/or OFT within UK ) is then consulted and assists in an advisory capacity , following which the Commission delivers judgement .
2 A brief review of existing work in library user instruction evaluation was then given and related to the parameters previously described .
3 The same Northern blot was hybridized and then stripped and rehybridized with the probes indicated ( a ) Oct-11 , ( b ) Oct-2 and ( c ) actin .
4 This development will be in conjunction with a member of staff of the Enterprise Centre so that ‘ revised ’ Enterprise statements are then completed and approved within a date set by the Validation/Review Panel .
5 This protein was then purified and tested for an ability to be phosphorylated in a crude HeLa cell nuclear extract ( Figure 1C ) .
6 In the new process , the carpet is granulated and then mixed and extruded with a catalyst .
7 ( B ) The free and complexed DNA fragment populations were separated by electrophoresis through a 5% native polyacrylamide gel ( 8 ) ; the gel was then immersed and equilibrated into a buffer-containing plastic tray , and the retarded ( SC = specific complex , NSC = non-specific complex ) and unretarded ( F = free ) DNA species were exposed in situ to mild modification with DMS ( representative methylations are indicated by the black arrowheads ) .
8 Data were then transferred and displayed on a computer by means of specially designed software ( Aspen Medical ) .
9 The defendant then prepared and submitted to the manager of the shop , Mr. Gilberd , a list of goods to the value of £7,950 , telling him that the list represented a bona fide order placed by one Johal and asking him to authorise the supply of the goods against a building society cheque for that amount .
10 First , that civilisation was invented by the Egyptians and then plagiarised and corrupted by the Greeks .
11 It is then enforced and upheld by the agencies of the state .
12 A questionnaire was then drafted and sent to a random sample of headteachers for their and their staff 's comments .
13 1980 ) was advocated by the right-wing think-tank , the Adam Smith Institute , in 1985 , and was then elaborated and presented as a ‘ Green Paper ’ , Paying for Local Government ( DoE , 1986 ) .
14 In percutaneous infection , larvae migrate via the blood stream to the lungs where they moult to L4 in the bronchi and trachea , and are then swallowed and pass to the small intestine where the final moult occurs .
15 Eggs escape under the bursa of the male and are carried up the trachea in the excess mucus produced in response to infection : they are then swallowed and passed in the faeces .
16 Oppenheimer 's work was then rediscovered and extended by a number of people .
17 The mayor-elect was then proposed and seconded before the two councillors went off to search for him .
18 All of the information was then coded and entered into a mainframe computer ( IBM 3083 ) , and analysed using the SPSSX statistical package .
19 However , it is thought that the boundary layer vortices derive their vorticity originally from the viscous sub-layer ( which has , of course , no counterpart in a wake ) ; this is then advected and stretched by a combination of the mean shear and the turbulent fluctuations to give the hairpin shape .
20 The membrane was then dehybridized and rehybridized with the probe CytoB ( B ) .
21 No erm they are then authorised and issued with an authorisation card following the successful completion of the course to carry a firearm on police duties if required er , the authorisation is issued by either the Chief Constable or er his deputy and that would enable the officer if required to go an armoury at one of the police stations and produce his card and be issued with a weapon if necessary .
22 Given that in the calibration P 1 and P 2 are the initial prices , and substituting equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) into ( 7 ) , the aggregate expenditure index can be written as : The total market elasticity of demand for fertilizer , ε , is then defined and evaluated at the baseline point where the proportional change factor P equals 1 .
23 The blood cells and plasma are then remixed and returned to the patient , who is conscious throughout .
24 As Tallis approached it whinnied loudly , then stamped and backed into the trees .
25 This first requires the code to be downloaded from the computer out to a dedicated programming unit and transferred into an EPROM or EEPROM , which is then removed and placed into the module under test .
26 The exterior source was then removed and replaced with the gamma detector , which was worn in a harness to fix its position .
27 He looked back down the corridor , then crouched and looked through the key-hole .
28 If everyone is satisfied that the minutes are accurate , there is either a general murmur of assent , which the Chairman takes as approval , or , more officially , a member will move that the minutes be signed as a correct record , and the motion is then seconded and carried by a show of hands .
29 These were then collated and summarised by a planning group with copies made available for all in order to encourage further dialogue , debate and reflection at a second conversation the following evening .
30 The door swung open again and a blond man as muscled as the first and cleanshaven in white T-shirt and faded jeans paused casually at the kerb , looked right then left and walked after the bearded man .
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