Example sentences of "two [coord] [adj] [noun] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The choreographer 's next task is to establish the relationship between two or more players and set the action going .
2 He suggested abortion two or three times and made it very clear that he thought I was making a mistake .
3 Why could I never go about arm in arm with two or three others and stare at girls ?
4 The best way to practise is to mark out two or three kilometres and practise on your individual horse .
5 Cook for two or three minutes and remove from the heat .
6 The silence held for two or three minutes and disturbed Mrs Robinson , who came in with fresh candles and the welcome offer of port .
7 Typically organisations require employees to obtain two or three estimates and base their payment on the lowest one .
8 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
9 He brought the dog in every two or three days and paid on the nail .
10 Break the cinnamon sticks into two or three pieces and add to the pan .
11 he spent erm , two years in the services I think dur during the war , two or three years and went through a bit of action and then , I think she said he was a policeman when he came out he , he joined the police force and he was cycling home one day and erm , I do n't know , he fell off the bicycle , hit his head and he died
12 Erm I if I was talking to an audience in the United States , you 'd probably have a somewhat different approach cos over there they seem to throw their desktop devices away every two or three years and replace them with brand new technology .
13 The simplest form is putting the child on a chair to one side of the room for between two and five minutes and ignoring the child while seated .
14 Tissue samples from 18 patients with Crohn 's disease , five with ulcerative colitis , and six non-inflammatory bowel disease controls were cultured at 37°C for between two and six years and yielded acid fast bacilli or spheroplasts ( Table ) .
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