Example sentences of "could n't [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After a little while , Oliver was so cold that he could n't hold on to the banisters any more .
2 He was trying to undermine her self-confidence , make her believe she could n't stand up to the exigencies of canal life .
3 But on the other hand she could n't stand out in the corridor indefinitely .
4 He could n't go on the corkscrew he could n't go up on the ship he could n't go on anything .
5 They laughed so much , they could n't go on with the interview .
6 Could n't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in .
7 The Italian dirty tricks department worked overtime as Galvano 's management tried to scream ‘ no contest ’ , claiming a head clash caused the badly cut left eye that meant their man could n't go on after the third round .
8 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
9 I could n't go back into the office in this state .
10 She could n't go back into the house either .
11 You could n't go back to the time when the great art critics like Bernard Berenson and Herbert Read reigned supreme , even if you wanted to .
12 But at the time I was just hurt that I could n't wade out into the lake and save them .
13 They were quite far apart , it was light but still felt enclosed : you could look up and see the high tops of the pines swaying in a wind that you could n't feel down on the ground .
14 Plenty of men could n't settle back into the old ruts after the war .
15 Realizing I could n't hang around on the dole forever waiting for the Tate Gallery to offer me an exhibition , and also that my boyfriend , also on the dole , was not likely to be able to support me , I decided to go for further training .
16 Obsessed with Siti , the youngest , he stole her sarong from the bank so that she could n't fly back to the stars with her startled sisters .
17 Rodney was not in the best of tempers because ( he kept saying ) he could n't see out of the rear window with that damned bicycle in the way .
18 You could n't see out across the fields .
19 ‘ Screens were erected , so that although boys and girls could see each other , they could n't climb out on the same side .
20 As they sped back towards Wimbledon , Robert wondered why he still could n't own up to the lie that had started all this .
21 Er Moderator er there is n't any reason in principle why this sh should n't happen that er this subject could n't come up at the presbytery clerks conference .
22 Pleat had the chance to follow the same path trod by Terry Venables at Tottenham but could n't come up with the necessary funds for a stake in the struggling First Division outfit .
23 Kohler said : ‘ I offered David the chance to come in with me in a partnership but unfortunately he could n't come up with the necessary amount . ’
24 I only began to smell a rat when he could n't come up with the documents he claimed to have .
25 A MAJOR business safety conference is taking place in Spennymoor next month because Darlington could n't come up with the cash .
26 Er you know erm the letter , the reply went back from Dave saying that every you know , possible thing was done to get bilingual staff but at the end of the day you know they could n't come up with the goods .
27 I guess he heard Barbara and me discussing the good time we had with you , and he kind of picked up on it , and he wondered why he could n't come down to the Bahamas and isolate himself from drugs .
28 ‘ We just could n't come out with the key hits .
29 And basically they managed to jump up on the bed unlike yesterday morning where pretended she could n't get up on the bed .
30 The travellers threw missiles , and abandoned some of their vehicles on the road when they could n't get in to the three-day event .
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