Example sentences of "could n't [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 But it would need a sixty percent vote on the council , and once they 'd do made the switch , they could n't switch back to a system by thirds for ten years .
2 I 'd have roasted Matilda 's bottom for her so she could n't sit down for a month ! ’
3 You could n't show up in a place like Adam 's Creek without a few questions being asked , Jed knew that , so he 'd dreamed up a story .
4 I was to do the counting — up to a hundred ( I could n't count up to a hundred , I had to do it in tens ) and when I opened my eyes he 'd have disappeared .
5 The only problem was convincing them they could n't follow up with a New Year 's knees-up a week later .
6 But , even if she could find the nerve to admit to her deception , she could n't own up to a thing — Cara was depending on her !
7 Even Nails , Hoomey thought proudly , could n't come up with a better name than that .
8 Steven decided that if he could n't come up with a definitive artistic statement to impress the grown-ups , then at least he could impress them with the definitive bank statement .
9 I tried to work out why we have more success in the Fourballs than the Foursomes , but I could n't come up with a solution .
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