Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] from [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
2 The counts of Champagne were quick to realise the lucrative sources of income that could be made from these fairs and dropped any inhibiting feudal dues , guaranteed the safety of the merchants and generally policed the fairs .
3 Eventually there came the discovery that a scented oil could be extracted from those flowers or leaves which were perfumed .
4 Norweb stated that the small scale sizes of renewable energy sources made them highly suitable for local integration and concluded that 12 per cent of electricity demand could be generated from these sources .
5 On the prairies these stations , with their high steep-pitched roofs and their larger adjacent grain elevators , could be seen from many miles away .
6 P/O Atherton was a very experienced pilot , with a second pilot as navigator , so one can not accept that they could be so far off course as to reach the target thirty minutes later , especially as the fires started in the docks by the bombing raid of Blenheims of 59 Squadron could be seen from many miles away .
7 As he remembered the description , the pedestal was a single ruby of gigantic proportions and everything between the pillars was carved in crystal so that the inside of the dome could be seen from any angle .
8 In the early-morning sun the incomparably beautiful Shwe Dagon pagoda with its gold-plated spire could be seen from some miles away .
9 Rifle and tommy gun fire could be heard from several directions at once .
10 The working principle is that obstructions are built into the lock to prevent the wrong shape of key from working the mechanism , and similar designs of lock are still use today ( although it has been suggested that the Romans were not able to invent a lock that could be operated from both sides of a door ) .
11 Attention was then turned towards possible funds which could be recovered from former Drexel employees , most notably Milken .
12 Excavations such as those of the German excavator Heinrich Schliemann ( 1822–90 ) at Troy and Mycenae , of the British archaeologist Arthur Evans ( 1851–1951 ) at Knossos , and of many others at this time began to prove that much more than objects for display in a museum could be recovered from these sites .
13 That is , I think , another great benefit that could be reaped from these developments .
14 Apparently they feared the burning timbers more than the bullets , but no doubt they were feeling some reaction after more than four hours in action : four hours of dodging snipers ' bullets and bursting open doors that all too often concealed a rifleman who fired , while around the houses a grenade could be dropped from any window .
15 But if the victuallers were to have their stores ready only by the end of August , and the king was intending , as it seemed , to continue his journey eastwards across the centre of England , equidistant from the possible battle-grounds of the Welsh and Scottish borders and the threatened south coast , and ready to move in whichever direction should first require his presence , then there was no longer anything to be gained by loitering here , and he had better be making his way over to Owen with what information he had , and whatever intelligent inferences could be drawn from that information .
16 The conclusion that could be drawn from this argument is that is not a phoneme of English , but is an allophone of several different vowel phonemes when those phonemes occur in an unstressed syllable .
17 While the woman could be suffering from any number of complications , the man will be leading his normal life .
18 If you suspect that your dog could be suffering from this disease , consult your vet without delay , so that appropriate treatment can be given .
19 ( 4 ) Since 1981 , however , there has been a distinct slackening of impetus in relations , largely because of the disillusionment experienced by both the USSR and the Latin American countries about what could be expected from each other .
20 What lessons could be learned from this sweet-talking , gentle-faced Englishwoman with so much success behind her ?
21 Another way out of the problem of fraud could be to require from both parties the presentation of a birth certificate as a prerequisite for the issuing of a marriage licence , as is done in some states in the United States .
22 Browne has maintained his innocence all along , but he could be banned from all Britain 's racetracks and a friend said : ‘ They are just out to get him . ’
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