Example sentences of "could [vb infin] she [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to her that he could tip her out of the window without any effort at all , and she shrank back .
2 She was particularly fun in the choppier water when we could steer her accurately onto the face of the wave of our choice and drive her through the trough at full tilt .
3 ‘ The shops here are very good , but Dana is inclined to turn her nose up at anything outside London or Paris , so I imagine an hour could see her back at the flat . ’
4 Pete suggested that in a few days ' time he could take her out to the nearest big town on the coast , and there she could look for clothes in the department stores and check out the library for the addresses of any useful organisations or people to contact .
5 ‘ Perhaps you could take her back to the auberge ? ’
6 Clara could not count the times she had heard her mother declare that when she died she would be dead , and she would n't care what happened to her body , and for all site cared they could put her out for the dustman to collect sentiments which from the first had filled Clara with a vague alarm and horror , for they were clearly reasonable enough in their own way .
7 She had been destroyed before they could get her out of the police cell .
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