Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [adv] [that] [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 I had to wheedle the information out of him , but Capron said he was the senior case officer on the investigation into Mills , and could confirm absolutely that it was Mills who was the Soviet agent who had betrayed my father .
2 He could see now that she was placed in an almost similar position , for with Martin marrying , she was once more being cast adrift .
3 They could see now that he was a big fellow , sleek and handsome .
4 He could see now that it was a distorted papier maché sculpture , luridly coloured in red .
5 She took her foot off the accelerator and put it on the brake , and as the car slowed she could see now that it was a child , a toddler with a red woolly hat on .
6 Owen could see now that it was a man .
7 He could see now that there was a driver in each of the police cars .
8 Braden stepped in closer and the ex-soldier looked up , almost straight up , and you could see then that he was afraid but trying hard not to show it .
9 I could conclude only that he was finding the job too big for him , and was himself under stress , which he relieved by persecuting a subordinate who was particularly vulnerable .
10 In itself it could mean nothing ; in regard to him it could mean only that he was mad .
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