Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Harriet drove her to the local hospital as soon as the pains started in mid-afternoon and , knowing how hazardous the road back in the dark could be at this time of the year , brought an overnight bag so that she could stay at a nearby hotel .
2 We could stay in a nice hotel . ’
3 You could compensate for a too-stiff rod and poor reflexes — reflexes which you need for easing off when the hook bites into a lip — by using a stronger line .
4 In one mouthful she ate as much as twelve English farmers could eat in a whole meal .
5 The tone of the festivities was set by Göring 's public eulogy , stating : ‘ We … look back to an unbroken chain of glorious victories such as only one man could attain in a single year of his life , one who is not only a statesman and military commander , but at the same time also Leader and man of the people : our Führer … ’
6 There was everything that you particularly could want from a grand piano to a pin sold in Main Street .
7 A real mountain bastu is one of those experiences not to be missed , and all you could want after a hard day 's toil , a wonderful relaxant .
8 Religious networks could make for a unified effort or become the vertebrae of different segments of reformers whose conflicts were expressed in organisational diversity and competition .
9 The row could make for a strained atmosphere as Mr Major spends the Premier 's traditional weekend with the Queen .
10 However , subject to the normal exemptions and depending upon the individual employee 's particular circumstances , a liability to capital gains tax could arise on a subsequent disposal of the shares .
11 The second exception could arise in a Mercantile Credit v. Hamblin type of situation .
12 After about nine months ' stay they could graduate to a single room but by then many preferred to be in with their friends .
13 Before she could think of a suitable retort he had gone , her door closed quietly behind him .
14 Before she could think of a suitable reply , Bridget did it for her .
15 ‘ I wish I could think of a slick answer to that one , ’ he said .
16 I mean you could think of a brilliant illustration , and then you work the message out from it , which is the wrong way round .
17 If she could think of a good reason to ask questions about the missing don among his colleagues , she might well come up with some interesting answers .
18 A patentable invention could relate to a new piece of computer hardware such as a new mouse , new type of output device such as a more efficient flat screen or new form of storage medium or it could be a new way of making integrated circuits or flat screens .
19 ‘ We came across some people from Papua New Guinea who were selling handicrafts and were confronted with a boatload of western tourists — all convinced they could buy for a knock-down rate .
20 The most political job you could seek in a political party is probably that of chairman .
21 IF YOU were down on your luck in Devon in the early 18th Century , you could count on a hot meal at Bowden House , near Totnes .
22 Thus the military conspirators could count on a growing area of civilian support .
23 This , however , is quite distinct from a counselling service , which would seek to offer protected time in which the counsellor and client could focus on a psycho-social problem .
24 The day she could behave like a real bitch , thought Camille , would be the day she was truly adult , and she envisaged in anticipation the bodies of advertising executives and the makers of video films lying staring with sightless eyes at the city 's polluted skies , slain by the detailed revelations of her insight into their characters .
25 Surely no more appropriately-named horse could win with a General Election only five days away from the race itself .
26 He could win on a wide variety of venues on a broad spectrum of methods .
27 Working so positively and with such support with different people confirmed my belief that oppressions should n't be ranked against each other ; and that an EOP debate could act as a central focus around which a unity between different oppressions could be achieved while recognizing and accepting our differences .
28 However , Einstein predicted that a galaxy could act as a gravitational lens bending light from a more distant source .
29 Possibly this form of GGF could act as a natural antagonist by inhibiting an activity of the receptor , such as ligand binding , dimerization or kinase activation .
30 One might speculate that one could jump into a black hole in one place and come out of a white hole in another .
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