Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the doctrine was broken and officials could explain their views freely in public , then ministers would have the much more formidable task of making their case against men who were seized of the key counterpoints and who knew that their arguments were accepted by many in the ministry .
2 ‘ We could double our ratings tomorrow by abandoning what we stand for , ’ said Mr Grade .
3 It could be copied only either by those of nearly equal wealth or by those who could concentrate their resources chiefly on defence — princes , great bishops or , in the south especially , towns .
4 She could feel her breasts hard under the thin cotton of her blouse , the nipples pushing against the material , yearning for the feel of his hand .
5 She had switched on the light and as she walked back towards him , he could see her legs again through the dress .
6 I tried to pull him bodily out of the cupboard but could hear his agonies even through the gag .
7 From France , Khomeinis aides would dial Teheran direct and the ayatollah could read his sermons straight into Iranian tape recorder for instant distribution throughout the country .
8 and this is something I could change my hands slightly about and come back and speak to you
9 But it seemed nothing could drag her thoughts away from Dane for long — he was always there on the edges of her mind , hovering like a kestrel ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey .
10 Until the crash , Comdisco 's chairman , Ken Pontikes , had every reason to believe he could serve his shareholders well by putting some of his company 's wealth into risk arbitrage .
11 So do you think that we could put our differences aside for just one evening ?
12 Since Europeans could obtain their diamonds only from India some technical interchange must have occurred .
13 But , again , the Royal College of Nursing is a wealthy body — unlike BASW or the ADSS — which could represent its members positively through advertising if necessary .
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