Example sentences of "could [adv] have [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Indeed , ’ says Jim Whiston , quality manager for C&P , ‘ without the correct accreditations , ICI could eventually have lost the bulk of its engineering plastics business .
2 The Corporate Finance Department of the licensed dealer pushing the stock , could arguably have alerted the dealing room earlier but it never did .
3 Once , the Everqueen could easily have banished the daemon , but her power was much reduced even as her land was ravaged .
4 Manchester City4 , Leeds0 THE WHEELS came off Leeds United 's hitherto solid championship challenge at Maine Road in a match which , paradoxically , they could easily have collected the point they needed to return to the top of the table .
5 When she play-fought with Elie , Billy 's mongrel dog , Harriet actually pulled her punches when unleashing swipes with her paws that could easily have crushed the dog 's skull .
6 The sporting authorities , who could easily have postponed the race , tergiversated : as much by habit as from reason .
7 No one at the banquet could possibly have crossed the Firth of Forth in such weather with such speed and he knew from his own spies that only the King had crossed the Forth that night .
8 Then we talked to Miguel again and it turned out the Indian had started this long conversation with him before we could possibly have had the accident .
9 But Marion Kemp could not , in my view , have killed her husband , and quite certainly she could hardly have moved the body a single centimetre from where it lay .
10 Jackals and martens could hardly have lifted the latch and , even if they had found their way in , there would have been signs of a scuffle : dead chickens , scattered feathers .
11 On the whole the wooden aircraft were extraordinarily successful and I suppose that we could hardly have won the War without them .
12 Thus it fell to one of the rank-and-file to make a lucky find that brought them at last to the downs : and probably saved a life or two ; for they could hardly have spent the night in the open , either on or under the hill , without being attacked by some enemy or other .
13 They could always have had the church watched and perhaps picked up Zoser when he came out .
14 But it is hard to believe that three such bumblers could ever have got the paper off the ground .
15 However , Lagan and Cooper DH ( both Alliance ) were the source of 1,700 non-transferable votes which could conceivably have affected the issue either way if they has been transferable .
16 Thus it was submitted that the question whether the death was in this case natural or unnatural was a matter exclusively for the coroner whose decision can be reviewed only on the basis that no coroner could reasonably have reached the conclusion arrived at here .
17 It is true that this is qualified by the North western Utilities case , but that decision does not apply to an occupier who neither knows nor could reasonably have discovered the existence of a danger created by his predecessor .
18 Pack animals , with the driver also mounted , could probably have doubled the distance , as indeed could have most carts and wagons .
19 Between them they could probably have established the reason for the failure quite easily .
20 It seems very unjust that D should have been required to pay Mrs. Bennett 's debt ; but note that he could probably have recovered the money from her as money paid to her use .
21 If he 's had more time between the engine signing off and the aircraft hitting the ground , he could probably have dumped the drop tanks and jettisoned the canopy .
22 The evidence hinted that British officials could even have encouraged the deal [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ; 38743 ] .
23 It seems that the catalogue 's limited subject access could well have reinforced the user 's apparent preference for known-item searching and consequently may also partly account for the apparent increase in known-item searching as the user 's educational level rises .
24 The juxtaposition of a raised aqueduct close to the granary was not , one might think , a particularly sensible arrangement , as seepage from the aqueduct could well have made the granary , despite its raised floor , damper than was desirable .
25 In this case the presence of oxygen and hydrogen mixed in the optimum proportions , could well have compounded the effect .
26 This was a save that could well have shaped the whole of Villa 's season .
27 When parents ceased to be available , primitive man could well have felt the loss , and the need to transfer the dependence elsewhere and this led eventually to some form of imagined substitute , or ‘ god ’ as the surrogate .
28 Had word of Hanson 's interest leaked to the market , the stockbroker 's chutzpah could almost have bankrupted the firm .
29 he could then have transmitted the disease through sexual contact with American gays holidaying in Haiti .
30 He could then have discussed the matter more openly , and received some of the reassurance and guidance he needed .
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