Example sentences of "could [adv] [be] [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 and Otton J. ) affirmed his acquittal by the Crown Court ( which had allowed an appeal against conviction by justices ) on the ground that the defendant , when required to give blood , had raised an objection capable of amounting to a medical reason why blood should not be taken and that this could only be determined by a medical practitioner .
2 Incidentally it should be remembered that the first picture ( Fig. 22.3 ) is actually the second stage of the sequence , because this pattern is itself the consequence of an instability that occurs only if the Rayleigh number is high enough ( Sections 22.2 , 22.3 ) ; however the first stage could only be represented by a picture which was ‘ a perfect and absolute blank ’ .
3 The latter urged far-reaching reforms that could only be implemented by a revolutionary dictatorship , which would need to realign itself internationally in order to secure protection against the United States .
4 I have declined to act as external examiner to candidates whose subject or thesis title seemed to be so dubious that a successful treatment of it could only be done by a candidate of exceptional brilliance ; in such cases it is likely that the candidate has had inadequate or misguided supervision .
5 At the end of this period , it could only be overturned by a 75 per cent majority of all states attending a Treaty conference , which must include the current 26 voting members .
6 Let me hasten to say that in many schools , particularly in the West Riding , fine education took place , but far from it helping to increase drama in schools , it had the reverse effect for two reasons : ( 1 ) it appeared once more to be something that could only be handled by a specialist — this time a P.E .
7 If these currents are confined , at every point along the beach the addition of more and more water could only be handled by a continuous acceleration of the current , which does not occur .
8 As for confession , which had been allowed to laymen , this was to be undertaken only when the penitent was in mortal danger : the emphasis now was not on contrition but on absolution which could only be given by a priest .
9 I admit that the vast majority of contributors are women , but this is one occasion when the article I 'm thinking of could only be written by a man .
10 The high prices for such things could only be explained by a separate blurb which claimed meat from ‘ English rare breeds ’ and a lot of stuff about natural rearing and hand finishing ( a bonus , I pointed out to my guest , a Texan with special interests in T.S .
11 Change is unlikely simply because it could only be effected by a majority in the House of Commons .
12 Leslie , who passed his driving test last month , could only be identified by a cash card number he scrawled on his arm .
13 Leslie could only be identified by a scrawled number on his arm
14 The new statutes could only be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the new Congress .
15 Henry II 's mistress , is told by CD in A Child 's History of England : ‘ It relates how the King doted on fair Rosamond … and how he had a beautiful Bower built for her in a Park at Woodstock ; and how it was erected in a labyrinth , and could only be found by a clue of silk .
16 But history has proved him correct in his belief that the problem of bureaucratic power could only be solved by a transformation of the class structure in which administration is carried on .
17 8.1.4 any other act or thing by which but for this provision the Guarantor would have been released [ other than a variation of the terms of this Lease agreed between the parties that is prejudicial to the Guarantor ] Until the case of P & A Swift Investments v Combined English Stores Group plc it was believed that the benefit of a guarantor 's covenants could only be enforced by a successor in title to the landlord 's reversion , where there had been an express assignment to it .
18 In addition some 20 items , including platinum , raw jute , and floppy diskettes for computers , were removed from the list of products which could only be imported by a government agency .
19 The difficulty in extending trover to cases covered by detinue was that conversion could only be committed by a positive act — misfeasance as opposed to nonfeasance .
20 General de Gaulle wrote to Ho Chi Minh on 8 February 1966 , stressing that peace could only be restored by a return to non-intervention ; the United States was not named , but clearly this was in de Gaulle 's mind .
21 Nothing was said about Toulouse , though the Capetian line on this was clear : the question could only be settled by a judgement in the court of the feudal overlord , in other words in the court of King Louis .
22 When the indicator board clacked out the information BAGGAGE IN HALL against their flight , a circle of bell-ringers in my stomach all heaved on their ropes at the same time , and the terrible clangour they set off in my skull could only be stilled by a couple of stiff ones at the bar .
23 There were still tendencies towards national rivalry and arrogance , and these could only be countered by a steadfast policy of internationalism .
24 Coronation became important in the acceptance of an emperor or a king and coronation or , more importantly , the prior consecration could only be performed by a high ecclesiastic , the pope or certain specified archbishops .
25 RAIL passengers could soon be hit by a series of one-day strikes after RMT , the biggest railway union , failed to get assurances over job losses , a spokesman for the union said last night .
26 Samuel strongly advised that MacDonald should be persuaded to stay on as head of the existing government or some " reconstituted " Labour Cabinet or , failing these alternatives , of a National government made up of members of the three parties ; the necessary but unpalatable economies affecting the working class could best be imposed by a Labour government .
27 In the first exact solution of this type , given by Bell and Szekeres ( 1974 ) , the singularity on the hypersurface was shown to be only a coordinate singularity that could easily be removed by a coordinate transformation .
28 By putting up a clergyman as a candidate , he could rely on the vote of hundreds of MAs who , sitting in their country rectories , could easily be persuaded by a judiciously worded letter that their old University was falling into the hands of infidels .
29 But he never explains how such a belief about bones could possibly be held by a dog since it has such obvious linguistic implications particularly as grounds for possession of the human concept .
30 Inflation not resulting from excess demand could possibly be controlled by a prices and incomes policy .
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