Example sentences of "could [be] [verb] [prep] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But particularly in a public sector context , where appeals to the public interest could be assumed to be more common , profound questions remain which can not be resolved by terse definitions .
2 With lowered voice the vibrator could be felt to be less active , and the sound-level meter would show the lower volume of sound .
3 In other words , the focus of Gironella 's attention is neither historically nor iconographically arbitrary , although in some ways his reworkings of the paintings of others could be seen to be simply an extension of a fairly conventional activity .
4 Darwin 's finches , for example , could be seen to be extremely interesting only when their affinities were pointed out to him by a taxonomist .
5 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
6 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
7 Thus , for a short interlude , the religion of the monarch could be said to be neither papist nor Protestant ; and while it was safe to admit to either persuasion , it was wise to support neither too vigorously .
8 All in all , the technology could be said to be qualitatively transforming the threat to privacy which information systems , even manually sorted card indexes , have always posed .
9 An SBU was taken to be any subsidiary business interest of the group which could be said to be largely separable and could be treated as having a commercial life of its own .
10 Whilst any human cost of alcohol abuse could be said to be too great , it is important not to ignore both the economic and the social benefits associated with drinking .
11 If BA can resell $300m of its United investment — ideally to US citizens - then its remaining equity share could be said to be only 21 per cent , airline officials in New York argue .
12 In at least one case , Afghanistan , the regime could be said to be fully subordinate to Moscow .
13 Exhibition mounted on a bright , well illuminated landing , and could be positioned to be clearly visible from the Centre entrance .
14 The formal decision on industrialisation had already been made at the Fourteenth Party Congress in 1925 ; therefore the Fifteenth Congress could be claimed to be merely a continuation of previous policies .
15 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
16 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
17 In R v London Borough of Harrow , ex pDeal [ 1989 ] FCR 729 the Court of Appeal confirmed that judicial review would lie if a decision to place a child 's name on the register could be shown to be utterly unreasonable .
18 But if some existing races could be shown to be closer to the apes than others , would this not prove their inferiority ?
19 The hypothesis that states pursue their national interest could be shown to be empirically superior to its rivals , thus grounding a Positive science of international relations .
20 The classic realists could be shown to be just as transgressive and problematic as the modernists .
21 If crime and deviance could be shown to be vitally necessary then this would be a serious blow indeed to the correctionalist stance — of both positivists and classicists .
22 He therefore sought to prove both that the structures of history were necessarily dialectical and that the course of actual history could be shown to be so .
23 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
24 Spalding 's stages could be criticised for being somewhat vacuous .
25 If these could be found to be overwhelmingly large or small then the results could be of use in the framing of policy .
26 She was implying , plain enough , that no one else could be trusted to be as thorough as herself .
27 The Croaking Gourami could be accused of being rather a colourless drab specimen .
28 The carapace required almost a year to become fully symbiotic with the body — and its owner required purification , distillation in the alembic of combat before his augmented natural body could be judged to be fully transmuted in spirit as well as in flesh and bone , and thus worthy of donning complete Marine armour …
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