Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] [subord] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Positioned some 30 yards from goal , the former Liverpool star unleashed an incredible thunderbolt which the bemused Hitchcock could only watch as it speared into the top corner .
2 Indeed , the concept of success could scarcely apply since it worked to no clear objectives .
3 The position before this case was that if a power was properly classifiable as a prerogative power , the courts could decide what the extent of the power was and whether a proper occasion for its exercise had arisen , but they could not decide whether it had been exercised reasonably or fairly .
4 She could not tell whether it had been a matter of minutes or several hours .
5 As Robert Lovett , former Under Secretary of State , told the drafting committee , there was practically nothing that the US could not do if it wanted to .
6 Occasionally a thin savage streak of wiry blue hinted at what the storm could really do if it tried .
7 He tried to strip off the tape , but it was too tough and his fingers were numb and he could n't find where it began .
8 I could n't eat , because of the cuts , could n't drink — they were feeding us milk through straws — and my face was beginning to get septicaemia as we lay in this hut with just this little oil- lamp , and the mosquitoes at night would come and sit on the wounds , and I could n't stop thinking about what was going to happen next in my life , and we had no newspapers and I did n't know what was happening and I could n't cry because it pulled the stitches .
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