Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] [det] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we could all spend all day discussing that particular issue but up until the decision is made and which road they 're gon na go down we do know it 's gon na be banding but on what on what basis is it gon na be ?
2 Ceauşescu agreed to reverse the pay cuts that the men in effect faced because they could not cut enough coal to meet the Five Year Plan 's targets .
3 There were also two great monarchies , Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire , which , whatever concessions they might have to make to nationality in practice , could not accept that statehood went with nationhood .
4 I came to see you myself because I could not ask another person to tell my story .
5 ‘ After eight months , I recently won an admission from the BMA that our proposals in the White Paper would not and could not cause any doctor to have to refuse any patient medicines which that patient would need .
6 The French settlements along the river St. Lawrence had no such attractions ; the peasant farmers who settled along the river were probably better off than if they had stayed at home , but they could not produce enough revenue to support the fairly lavish military , civil , and ecclesiastical establishment that had been set up there as well .
7 The industry simply could not produce enough coal to meet the economy 's needs [ Ashworth , 1986 ] .
8 There may be cases where all the fault lies on the side of the head , and indeed in the earliest days of financial delegation many governors were said to have resigned because they could not find enough time to master the intricate responsibilities of new government and because a path through those intricacies had not been mapped by the head .
9 I had learnt to love these good people and I could not wait another day to introduce myself .
10 Then she spotted a public telephone and decided she could not wait another minute to call Nick and tell him the job was completed .
11 I suppose you could just imagine that ring had slipped off your finger , that would bring a few tears .
12 He could still hear that dog barking .
13 We could always make each other laugh .
14 It is not sufficient that someone had an opportunity to examine the goods , it must be shown that the manufacturer could reasonably expect that person to make an examination .
15 Not only do children live in separate houses , they often move many miles from their parents in order to follow work or careers , and the mutual support they could formerly give each other has been accordingly diminished .
16 And I took you in my confidence — something , incidentally , I do n't do lightly — because I could n't face another relationship based on misunderstanding .
17 It could n't do any harm to put it off until tomorrow .
18 She could n't understand this eagerness to forgive him , but it was definitely there .
19 At the time she 'd put that pass down to a reflex action of a man who could n't let any opportunity pass him by , but now she was beginning to have doubts that he was as shallow as she 'd first thought .
20 So you could n't have this plan paying out after four weeks , and at the same time , you 're still getting paid by your employer .
21 and we could n't see any smoke belting down the corridor so we thought well oh ! give me my coat !
22 Now that he was getting on in years he wanted to take things just that little bit easy , not see patient after patient , cramming in as many as possible , but space them out — eight , ten a day was enough — for with his practice so long established and his clientele so solid he could n't imagine any reason to fear blanks in his appointments book .
23 Roman was n't the type to lose control over any woman , and he was so powerfully attractive that she could n't imagine any woman turning him down .
24 As the organisers could n't find any reason to suppress it or reject it , they dumped the piece behind screens where it could no longer be seen and we lost sight of it for the whole exhibition .
25 I could n't get any rhythm going whatsoever . ’
26 For the stations , railway stations because they could n't get any coal do you see .
27 ‘ Anne , ’ Christine said eagerly to the surprised Anne , ‘ did n't you say that your daddy could n't get enough mistletoe to sell this Christmas ? ’
28 One frog croaked , and then another , and then they could n't hear each other speak .
29 Later , my mother told me they had to lip read : they could n't hear each other speak for the noise of the looms .
30 Until he controlled all the money , Adam could n't risk either sister querying his moves : he needed to placate and control both of them .
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