Example sentences of "year [prep] the [num ord] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I waited two years for the first substantive response to one article despite reminder letters to the editor .
2 In general , the first growth of German , French and Belgian railways was about 30 years after the first British lines .
3 The placement was duly made , several years after the first formal contact .
4 The Zoroastrians still reckon dates by the years of the last Zoroastrian king of Iran , Yazdgard III of the Sassanian dynasty ( who was assassinated in AD 651 after the Arabs had overrun his kingdom ) , thus prolonging his imaginary reign through the centuries .
5 Between 1977 and 1979 — the final two years of the last Labour government — deposits in Jersey offshore accounts nearly trebled to £6.3 billion .
6 He should recall that in the last two years of the last Labour Government , up to 5,000 police men and women were leaving the police force each year and voting with their feet .
7 The first quarter was in 58.6sec , and this 17 years before the first four-minute mile .
8 Regulations restricting building in London were first issued by royal proclamation in 1580 , many years before the first statutory regulation .
9 He has at most two years before the next presidential election in which to try to put together a new centre left movement capable of carrying him into the president 's seat .
10 But under a new team approach with pump agents Lasalle , BP hopes to increase this to two years within the next five years .
11 Fortunately , technical developments have ensured that the increase in computing power per unit cost has been growing at about an order of magnitude every 6 years over the last three decades .
12 It is anticipated that life expectancy at birth will rise by 2–3 years over the next 40 years .
13 The recorded history of the country goes back 5000 years to the first known pharaohs ; and though for 2000 years there had been waves of invaders bringing one foreign ruler after another , for most of the peasants ( the fellahin ) life continued much as it had for centuries , regulated as much by the Nile and the miracle of its annual flood , as by successive new masters .
14 You can see on the Covermaster , on an escalating plan , it 's twenty percent each year for the first four years .
15 Also at the LSE , Hella was guaranteed £60 a year for the first two years of her course by Professor Harold Laski , the brother of Elaine Blond 's first husband .
16 The martyrdom of Husain , as the Karbala episode is usually described , is commemorated early in each Muslim New Year for the first ten days of the month of Muharram : in Shiite communities men form processions , bare to the waist , beating themselves with whips and chains until their bodies run with blood , chanting a recitation of the events of 680 .
17 His decision was based on a prediction that South-East Asia 's economies will grow at 6.9% a year for the next four years .
18 And the National Rivers Authority has pledged to introduce 200,000 salmon a year for the next four years into the cleaned-up River Tees the first time the fish have been in the river in any numbers in the last 30 years .
19 BR is projecting to shed 1,000 jobs a year for the next five years , cutting the total workforce to 130,000 by 1992/93 — from around 200,000 in the early 1980s .
20 On Sept. 6 France had blocked proposals to allow increased access for beef and other meat , but on Sept. 30 it was agreed that the three countries could increase meat sales by 10 per cent per year for the next five years , with the EC preventing any adverse impact on the internal market for its own produce by financing the sale of all this additional meat to the Soviet Union , Romania and Albania .
21 For example , consider an alternative transit system ( project B ) which costs £1000000 and has cash inflows of £300000 per year for four years and £500000 per year for the next six years .
22 Even now , with the world economy slack and poorer Asian countries emerging as rivals for foreign investment , Thailand is likely to grow at 7–8% a year for the next few years .
23 Lloyd 's long term aim is to open two clubs a year for the next ten years , a target that , if achieved , would give him 23 by the end of the century .
24 On January 29th Tesco launched a rights issue to help finance an investment programme averaging £900m a year for the next three years .
25 Now suppose that the actual rate increases by 8 percentage points every year for the next three years as a result of annual increases in the nominal stock of money .
26 Tandy Corp 's Computer City subsidiary plans to expand in Europe this year : it already has superstores in Stockholm and Copenhagen and plans at least one more in Europe this year , although it 's not sure where ; Computer City — one step down from Tandy 's Incredible Universe fun palace stores — will open its 19th US superstore on April 1 in the Boston area and plans to open 16 new US superstores a year for the next three years for a total of 66 .
27 In the next parliament , which assembled in September 1337 , the commons granted a tenth and a fifteenth to be levied each year for the next three years .
28 In four years , he has grown from 16 staff to 40 , and plans to add at least 10 a year for the next three years .
29 The move is forced by Church of England Commissioners who are to cut cash for Durham by £120,000 each year for the next three years .
30 ‘ Sugar is still a growth market and we expect it to grow by roughly 2 per cent a year for the next 25 years , ’ he says .
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