Example sentences of "some [prep] [pron] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She skipped lunch in order to go shopping , spending some of her carefully hoarded wages on a new outfit for the occasion .
2 On the other hand , when they got the chance , they drank more than was good for them , and they all smoked , either surreptitiously or openly , depending on where they were and the various fashions in tolerance among their parents , some of whom still smoked cannabis to the scorn of their offspring .
3 And some of them just hit return .
4 The DHA would find that some of its carefully planned resources are being diverted to pay for services which may not figure in those plans .
5 According to his calculations such theories would be bound to disagree with quantum mechanics in some of its experimentally verified predictions .
6 Indeed , local government lost some of its recently gained Powers to central agencies soon after the transfer .
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