Example sentences of "some [noun sg] of [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 The role of the UN would be to supervise elections , if possible throughout Korea but if not in south Korea alone , and to afford some measure of protection to the infant state as it moved to independence .
2 There is general agreement about the principle of allowing some measure of independence to the province .
3 I believe it 's a necessary reform , it 's a pity that the government have not taken the opportunity of change in the number of seats to bring some measure of proportionality to the British European elections .
4 This is not to deny some level of autonomy to the latter , but to reject assertions of its virtual total autonomy .
5 Some of these techniques are for use specifically with patients having , or suspected of having , some kind of damage to the brain .
6 The Chairmaster , grave , imposing , and bald as a biscuit , apart from the red wig , adhering by a miracle to his left ear , was attempting to give some kind of order to the proceedings .
7 It is a way of bringing some kind of order to the many diverse things which the scriptures could be said to be about .
8 The network of shires and hundreds brought royal government to all landowners of any substance , and must have acted as some kind of counter-weight to the influence of local lords and feelings of local separatism .
9 One possibility propounded by a colleague is that there should be some kind of pay-back to the museums perhaps in the form of a levy for their help in identifying finds .
10 In the context of this chapter , however , it is particularly important to deal with the corporatist perspective on the politics of organised interests since it provides some kind of challenge to the pluralist perspective ( even though pluralism and corporatism share a number of basic assumptions ) , and it fleshes out elements of the left critique of pluralism ( even though much corporatist theory is hostile to a Marxist theory of the capitalist state ) .
11 Moreover , public support for the system has become problematic in a way that poses some kind of challenge to the legitimacy and authority of the state itself .
12 ‘ Mr Nicholson , ’ Paul Merrick said , brushing loose strands of wispy hair from his face , ‘ you said you were going to show us some kind of answer to the problems of overcrowding .
13 Perhaps he even considered himself to have some kind of claim to the place ?
14 The Catholic Church seemed to offer some hope of resistance to the Nazis .
15 But there is usually some semblance of coherence to the proceedings , and a proper hook to draw us on .
16 This is a working distinction , to make possible some variety of approach to the question of the effective social relations of culture .
17 External frames are all but defunct in the UK because most have accepted that the ergonomically contoured internal frame sack is much more stable to carry than an external frame pack , even at the expense of some loss of ventilation to the back .
18 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
19 Although the government suggested that it was prepared to offer some degree of autonomy to the island , the prospect of losing the tax revenue from the mine , together with the potential effect upon other provinces within the country 's ethnically diverse structure , suggested that the government would be unprepared to accept BRA 's stated aim of full independence .
20 Devolution may in due course come to Northern Ireland , but before it arrives do not the Government have it in their power , at a stroke , to restore some degree of democracy to the people of Ulster by establishing a Select Committee ?
21 It is usually beneficial for organisations whose activities involve some degree of risk to the public to establish two–way communication on the issues .
22 Therefore , this region may confer some degree of specialization to the protein , in terms of cellular location and/or tissue specificity .
23 Add some bicarbonate of soda to the wash to absorb the chemicals .
24 My choice of industry might seem surprising , in view of my wish to make some sort of contribution to the world 's well-being .
25 The Redskins ' link-up with the Socialist Workers ' Party is the most stringent and emphatic attempt to thrust pop into some sort of relation to the ‘ real ’ world .
26 He was never happier than when watching Morse come face to face with a mystery : it vas like watching his chief tackle some fiendishly devised crossword ( as Lewis had often done ) , with the virgin grid on the table in front of him , almost immediately coming up with some sort of answer to the majority of the clues — and then with Lewis himself , albeit only occasionally , supplying one blindingly obvious answer to the easiest clue in the puzzle , and the only one that Morse had failed to fathom .
27 MANY people believe that the Royal Navy is referred to as the Senior Service because it has some sort of superiority to the Army , but the term was not even heard before the 17th Century .
28 It was an appealing idea because it at least seemed to offer some sort of progression to the work at a time when there was little or nothing written about coherent development in drama .
29 Stories and legends may have offered some sort of introduction to the more distant past , but it may well be necessary to use one of the school designed local history units as a " bridging " unit to work backwards in time , in a series of leaps , in order to bridge the chasm between history within living memory ( which will have been the natural focus for much work at Key Stage 1 ) and distant periods such as the age of Ancient Egyptians or Romans .
30 In fact , she had almost convinced herself that they had been some sort of reaction to the arrival of that poison pen letter .
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