Example sentences of "some [prep] [pron] had [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This failed to meet the demand for the forcible removal of the barricades , as advanced by the 7,000 white residents of the Chateauguay suburb adjacent to the Mercier bridge ( some of whom had regularly assembled during the siege to burn Mohawk effigies , and had participated in attacks on Indians fleeing the adjoining Kahnawake reservation ) .
2 In the second half of the nineteenth century such sentiments had fostered the growth of a small but vigorous school of Siberian regionalist writers and political activists ( oblastniki ) , some of whom had even gone so far as to envisage the complete political separation of Siberia from Russia and the establishment of a new , independent Siberian republic .
3 Charges against the officials , who , if found guilty , faced prison terms of up to five years , were brought on behalf of 27 affected haemophiliacs , some of whom had already died from AIDS .
4 On the other hand , Joyce arrived to find a large crowd outside the pavilion , some of whom had probably travelled to Worthing to make their feelings known .
5 His increasing tide of support from the populations of the Arab and wider Muslim world has puzzled Western observers , some of whom had actually believed that the Arabs might be only too glad to be rid of him with Western help .
6 It brought together the Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) , members of the German Forum Party ( DFP — some of whom had earlier joined the DSU — see p. 37171 ) , and the East German Free Democratic Party ( Freie demokratische Partei — FDP ) .
7 You would have thought some of them had n't eaten for days , but then perhaps they had n't .
8 Some of them had not attended school very regularly before .
9 On the contrary , all kinds of groups and associations representing ideas of this kind had come into existence in the USSR : some of them had openly called for ‘ power-sharing ’ on the basis of a ‘ parliamentary regime ’ , for ‘ free trade unions ’ , ‘ autonomous publishing houses ’ and so forth .
10 Some of them had previously experimented with fixed-term contracts but had found they imposed too much rigidity .
11 Some of them had already run and spread in such a way as to lose their identity .
12 Although most existing powers and responsibilities over the delivery of health services and the production of utilities , such as electricity and gas , were effectively removed by post-war nationalization , within the welfare state the role of councils was substantially increased , building on responsibilities some of them had already claimed in the inter-war period .
13 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
14 A quarter of his chosen writers were unknown to this reviewer , who wondered whether some of them had ever experienced what they described with such wind-whipped adjectives .
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