Example sentences of "some [prep] [pron] may be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are now serious environmental concerns about a whole range of chemicals that go into these cleaners , and the detrimental effect that some of them may be having on wildlife in rivers and shorelines .
2 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
3 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
4 In cleaning and disinfection there are six basic steps , some of which may be combined or omitted , to evolve a particular method .
5 HaL Computer Systems Inc , Campbell , California , remains secretive as ever , but a few details have emerged about the Fujitsu Ltd-backed company 's plans — although some of it may be dated .
6 In retirement some of you may be thinking of erm having some improvement work done to your house .
7 My fourth point is that some of you may be persuaded to regard as a good reason for non-intervention the fact that the child , if it survives , will so disrupt its parents ' lives as to destroy the marriage , or will end up in some institution , in a form of living death .
8 Some of you may be pissed off that the game was n't on R5 , but you ca n't be as pissed off as me .
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