Example sentences of "some [noun] [prep] [noun] over [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
2 She wanted to have some measure of control over her own productivity — which she could exercise by walking more quickly or slowly .
3 Many writers in this issue and many community health workers in general would readily admit the importance of the political setting of health care and the importance of the political will of states to encourage/allow their citizens some measure of control over their health , another constant factor in this question of control .
4 At that moment I did have some kind of advantage over him , because I knew a little more about some things than he did .
5 ‘ Do you think that gives you some kind of hold over me ?
6 It should be noted that what I have called a two-stage golden thread approach implies that human beings have some kind of control over what they will say is right .
7 And , although I was instantaneously and utterly in love with you — and quite determined that we should marry as soon as possible — I have been trying my damnedest to keep some kind of control over my emotions . ’
8 Words and names , as we all know from everyday experience , possess magical power : naming and identifying experiences and things imposes some degree of control over them and gives at least the illusion of bringing them within our power .
9 He has at least some degree of control over his immediate circumstances , but even if he is unable to exert control in particular cases , he at least knows that his views and decisions count .
10 ‘ And that gives you some sort of hold over me ? ’
11 You think I 'm trying to get you into bed so I can have some sort of hold over you .
12 ‘ I did n't do that to prove some sort of mastery over you , ’ he said evenly , and she drew in her breath sharply , wondering if he read her mind .
13 To prove that you had some sort of power over me ? ’
14 It made her feel as if he still had some sort of claim over her , and she really hated and resented that .
15 Then he seemed to get some sort of control over himself again .
16 The most important thing to understand here is that people try to re-establish some sort of control over their situation .
17 She turned her hot face into the pillows and tried to get some sort of control over her heartbeats .
18 The centre 's goal has been to enhance the quality of life of people who have cancer , and to possibly allay progression of the disease ; to give people some feeling of control over their lives and their healthcare , and to help them cope better with having cancer .
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