Example sentences of "when they [verb] [verb] each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So that when they sit facing each other on either side of their fire-place , both grins take off in the direction of the mantelpiece , as if drawn by the draught .
2 Later , when they came to know each other better , the pupil might graduate to calling him ‘ Lewis ’ , but this would be in the case of intimates .
3 When they seemed to resemble each other rather too closely , he introduced random mutations in the offspring .
4 They began to drift into amiable silence when they had asked each other questions about their children and the schools , and the plans they had for their holiday in Ireland .
5 When they had reassured each other , Kalchu put the calf down by her side .
6 It was as pained and as lost-even now , as he came to kill her — as it had been when they 'd faced each other in the street .
7 She was just someone vaguely in the background of his life to whom he was courtesy itself when they did encounter each other .
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