Example sentences of "when he [vb past] [that] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Interest increased when he revealed that among the types of RNA successfully attacked was RNA from the HIV virus which causes Aids .
2 The prophet was right when he said that without a vision the people perish .
3 He was about to go back to the company when he realised that in the middle of the town was a house where an old man lived , exactly where the company were planning to build their new station ; and the old man was refusing to sell . "
4 A typical example is his remarks at the Cabinet meeting which approved the employment White Paper , when he suggested that at the beginning of a slump the Cabinet should declare a ‘ Salute the stomach ’ week along the lines of the wartime ‘ Salute the soldier ’ weeks , but with the emphasis on spending rather than saving .
5 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
6 It seemed ridiculous , but a frown crossed his face when he remembered that in a very short time the hard fiat sand that he was walking on would be thirty feet under the water of one of the most unpredictable estuaries in the world He also knew that the tide was usually preceded by a rising wind
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