Example sentences of "when it is [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately the human head is structurally rather like a tank of liquid and the consequences when it is struck by a bullet are well-known .
2 Third , there would frequently be discrepancies between the meanings of sentences with a predicate qualifier and " fuller versions " when it is replaced by a clause ; for example , consider : ( 31 ) the jury found Ernest guilty the jury found Ernest ; Ernest was guilty ( 32 ) Alastair likes his beef tea strong Alastair likes his beef tea ; his beef tea is strong In the latter case , for instance , there may not be any strong beef tea at all ; the point of uttering the sentence may be to complain about that very point .
3 Section 178 of the Act defines a work as " computer-generated " when it is generated by a computer in circumstances such that there is no human author of the work .
4 There is little evidence , however , to correlate serum concentrations after the dose with toxicity , and indeed experimental nephrotoxicity caused by gentamicin is more severe when the total daily dose is divided than when it is given by a single bolus , when concentrations after the dose are higher .
5 In an earlier film directed by Tim Burton , Beetlejuice ( 1988 ) , there are recurrent cuts between the model village built by the Maitlands ( Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis ) in their attic and full-size sets of parts of the model when it is inhabited by the eccentric spirit Betelgeuse ( Michael Keaton ) and at times by the Maitlands too — being ghosts , they can change size rather easily , if involuntarily .
6 It relatively seldom results in marital breakdown nowadays , even when it is discovered by the partner ; and even the temporary trauma induced by the discovery seems to be less that it was once ( there is no real proof of this , nor in the other direction — I base the comment mainly on people 's expressed attitudes ) .
7 When it is expressed by the marriage partner the internal conflict is externalized , sometimes on a daily basis .
8 Each word , when it is verified by the word recognition stage , returns an index that points to its morphological root .
9 If they who are elected to legislate for our society should unfortunately decide to pass a disastrous measure of legislation that will allow the public promotion of contraception and an access hitherto unlawful to the means of contraception , they ought to know clearly the meaning of their action , when it is judged by the norms of objective morality and the certain consequences of such a law …
10 Electoral reform can , it seems , be realistically expected only when it is initiated by a minority Conservative or Labour government as the price of survival exacted by a party or combination of parties holding the balance of power .
11 It has even been held that presence remains no more than evidence of encouragement even when it is accompanied by a secret intention to help if necessary one of the participants in an affray .
12 Personal virtue , he went on , was indispensable , for " nothing is so dangerous as intelligence when it is guided by a corrupt heart " .
13 In clinical practice a new procedure becomes accepted treatment when it is offered by a critical mass of physicians or centres .
14 Reimbursement is also not allowed under British private health schemes — except ( bizarrely ) when it is requested by a doctor who is , or has been , an NHS consultant .
15 The centre of the circle is stabilised when it is occupied by a fourth dot .
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