Example sentences of "when it is [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Infection commonly occurs in children and infants , and the clinical progression of the disease is similar to syphilis when it is seen in the sporadic form ; the late manifestations , however , tend to be seen at a much younger age .
2 If such information was not attended to in the judgment phase then it is possible that when it is seen in the recognition phase it will be noticed for the first time .
3 Some 30 staff will move to the repository when it is completed in the summer of 1994 .
4 However , words need not always have a consistent meaning attributed to them : the context may show that the same word bears two different senses even when it is repeated in the same section .
5 I feel the same about Schoenberg 's Verklärte Nacht ; it is a much more effective piece when it is played in the version for orchestral strings .
6 Then , when it is ridden in the show ring , or it sees something possibly threatening , its anxiety peaks — it promptly stands on its hind legs or pulls its tongue back over the bit .
7 When it is placed in a container it spreads uniformly throughout the whole volume of the container .
8 Most of these studies have produced results consistent with the suggestion that interference occurs at retrieval , finding that a CS that has undergone latent inhibition training will be relatively ineffective in evoking its CR when it is presented in the context used for pre-exposure .
9 The Revenue has confirmed that interest credited to the income account will constitute taxable income in the beneficiary 's hands ( either when it is credited in the case of a life tenant , or when it is paid or applied for the benefit of a discretionary beneficiary ) .
10 In particular , a stimulus can come to acquire associative strength as a CS only when it is represented in the A1 state in company with another active node — excitatory conditioning will occur when the US node is in A1 ; inhibitory conditioning when the US node is in A2 ( see Chapter 1 ) .
11 Nobody 's interest is served by the suppression of the truth ; least of all when it is undertaken in a spirit of cowardice and a refusal to face facts .
12 Where an exporter sells abroad in a foreign currency , a ‘ forward contract ’ between the exporter and his bank will fix the rate at which the foreign currency will be converted when it is received in the UK .
13 This information can be represented in a tree diagram : Such an analysis becomes generative when it is expressed in the form of rules .
14 Instead he insisted that the truth of God is to be found in it when it is approached in the proper way — by one who is searching in awareness of his own need .
15 Dyeing beings after the wool has been cleansed , usually by washing in a weak solution of soda and soap , when it is immersed in an alum-bath for about 12 hours .
16 Hirtle 1975 : 37 for examples with realize , agree and understand ) , its meaning places it in the unique position of becoming the equivalent of a verb of perception when it is used in the operative sense .
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