Example sentences of "when the [noun sg] was [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( I got very adept at ‘ Swiss darning ’ and picking up dropped stitches with a latch tool when the garment was off the machine . )
2 If ultrasonic methods were used , for example , anomalous effects would be observed when the wavelength was of the order of the phase dimensions .
3 A junction where judgments were required was signalled by the experimenter sounding a tone when the vehicle was at the centre of the junction .
4 He described the whole process as The Water of the Moon , presumably referring to its happening in a running stream when the moon was at the full :
5 They moved onto dinosaurs when the film was in the air , and now they ca n't make enough to meet demand
6 It seemed shocking that he should feel he had a right to complain about being woken up when the country was on the verge of civil war .
7 Then when the Globe was after the same guy , I got to figuring . ’
8 Similar formality was observed when the court was on the move .
9 ‘ Thank you , Harald , ’ Carl whispered , when the man was at the front of the plane .
10 She also picked a shiny rayon for the yarn after dropping stitches right left and centre and making several false starts , I studied the pattern and taught myself how to latch up and darn in ( when the work was off the machine ) so that my ‘ botching ’ did not show .
11 At one time it was thought that the brain reached its peak of potential performance when the individual was between the ages of 18 and 25 years and that , from that time onwards , it began to deteriorate .
12 The Bill gives asylum seekers in that position the right — it did not exist when the case was before the court — to appeal to an independent adjudicator .
13 Hence for a trigram window , the final score assigned to each word will be the summation of three recognition scores : the score assigned when the word was in the first position of the window , the score assigned when the word was in the middle of the window and the score when it was the final element of the window .
14 Hence for a trigram window , the final score assigned to each word will be the summation of three recognition scores : the score assigned when the word was in the first position of the window , the score assigned when the word was in the middle of the window and the score when it was the final element of the window .
15 It was one of Chapman 's rules that even when the ball was on the other side of the field , a player must always be anticipating the next move .
16 The provisions , discussed more fully below , allowing a departure from all or part of the National Curriculum in certain cases or where certain individuals are concerned , were introduced when the bill was before the Commons in early 1988 .
17 This ‘ RG ’ equipment ( see Appendix 3 ) sent a beam of' invisible infra-red light from an Aldis-type lamp , the signal being visible only when the beam was on the little black box camera-sized receiver with a screen which , when the beam was intercepted , showed a green spot against speckle of' green pin-pricks of infra-red light from the stars .
18 He said " When the employee was in the Kingsbridge office he was in effect the Kingsbridge office .
19 In the euphoria which had followed the victory over France , there was even some talk that when the war was over the Party would be dissolved by the Wehrmacht and Germany would become a ‘ pure military state ’ .
20 As he 'd told Alison , spitting and scratching were nothing new but that was mainly when the car was on the road .
21 It can not be mere coincidence that the abandonment of paternalism came about when the party was on the cusp of a new generation of leaders .
22 Lighting the fire when the wind was in the wrong direction , or when there was no wind at all , took skill .
23 When the wind was in the west a sickly smell floated over the pits .
24 A last minute give away allowed the midlanders to claim a point when the match was in the bag .
25 A more serious incident occurred when the churchwarden was in the process of removing a crucifix in the churchyard following a directive from parliament for the removal of images from church property .
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