Example sentences of "when they [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Glasses are a girl 's best friend — particularly when they 're hung with mock rocks like thee .
2 When they 're faced with financial problems it 's the monkey that suffers .
3 If anything , modern games slow down when they 're run on fast PCs .
4 He says how can they be of use in curing Anorexia or Bolemia when they 're caused by socio-economic factors which monkeys ca n't experience .
5 I think they really do want the support , and they want the backing when they 're negotiating with other , other bodies .
6 They only warrant protection when they are inhabited by rare species of animals and plants . ’
7 After parietal lobe lesions monkeys have difficulty with a landmark test in which they have to remember the location of a food reward relative to prominent stimulus on the test board and humans have difficulty recognizing objects when they are presented in unusual orientations ( Warrington 1982 ) .
8 The limitations of QACs are of less significance when they are compounded with other products with which they can exert a synergistic effect .
9 Taylor expressed his surprise ; was Jackson not aware that in the district in which these persons derived their experience , there was little , if any , knowledge of mines worked under day levels or of what takes place in them when they are drained to considerable depths by machinery ?
10 But be aware that doctors themselves can feel threatened when they are consulted about sexual problems and may not be very helpful .
11 It is a great tragedy that there are types of pain which fail to respond to narcotics even when they are given in large repeated doses .
12 Players will tend to perform better when they are among friends than when they are placed in unfamiliar surroundings .
13 However , the sequence of somite formation and what they will form seems to be programmed early in development long before the somites themselves appear and provides a good example of how , once the programme is specified , the cells follow it even when they are placed in abnormal relationships .
14 The hands and feet can be turned into deadly weapons capable of withstanding injury when they are applied to inanimate objects such as bricks and wooden boards so long as the practitioner approaches the matter with the right psychological outlook .
15 The first is its conformity with the General MIDI Specification , designed to provide greater compatibility for MIDI song files when they are played on different MIDI set-ups .
16 So long as they have neighbours within 12″ the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests when they are beaten in hand-to-hand combat .
17 that employees are entitled to use reasonable force as a means of self defence when they are threatened with physical harm and unable to reasonably consider escape .
18 These phospholipids form polymers when they are irradiated with ultraviolet light ( Scheme 1 ) .
19 As with protozoan parasites , ponds naturally support a whole host of bacteria — some harmless , some beneficial ( such as the filter bacteria Nitrosomonas and Aeromonas ) , still others are dangerous to fish — though invariably only when they are weakened by other factors .
20 These are very much the sort of symptoms seen in many chemical-sensitive patients when they are exposed to organic solvents .
21 Kenneth Markham , who works for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research , funded by the New Zealand government , analysed flavonoids , photo-protective pigments which are synthesised in plants when they are exposed to harmful UV-B radiation , the wavelength most affected by the depletion of stratospheric ozone .
22 These substances , which tend to accumulate in tumour cells , turn from relatively benign chemicals into killers when they are exposed to red light .
23 And in the computer model too , the numerical values of the nine genes only mean something when they are translated into growing rules for the branching tree pattern .
24 From time to time other sections may be needed but lists can be made up as and when they are required for specific projects .
25 Caterers may come into contact with the Crown Court either on appeal from a conviction before the Magistrates ' Court or when they are tried for serious criminal offences .
26 In psychology we use the analogy of mechanical stress , and its consequences , to describe and explain what happens to people when they are subjected to excessive psychological demands .
27 There is much research which shows how ordinary people are prone to behave ‘ out of character ’ when they are subjected to extreme conditions .
28 In Section 6.1 the covariant derivative is introduced and is found to depend on entities called metric connections which quantify how local vectors change when they are transported through curved space–time .
29 Quick-growing root vegetables such as radishes and carrots which grow out of sight can be compared for size when they are pulled at various times .
30 Note that the same basic method of connection is used for transformers which have twin 120 volt primary windings when they are used with continental 120 volt mains supplies .
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