Example sentences of "when he [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Graham looked round sharply and was about to shake his head when he paused to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation .
2 The N.C.O. answered it and when he had hung up the receiver it rang again .
3 But when he had fought back the overwhelming urge to ring the police and have criminal charges brought against his secretary , he had realised he could use this to his advantage .
4 For some reason these thoughts of Emily sent her memory shooting back to the previous Friday in Vass 's office when he had brought up the subject of the new crèche and she had somehow ended up , almost aggressively , informing him that it was not her intention , ever , to remarry .
5 When he had wolfed down a few chapattis and an onion bhaji , Amiss took a slurp of lager and then leaned back .
6 No wonder , then , that when he came to write up the experience in Surprised by Joy he should have been so insistent that his father 's last illness and death ‘ does not really come into the story I am telling ’ .
7 I can even remember when Finnegans Wake was thought to be incomprehensible and the gentleman sitting on my right , George Craig , is almost , but not quite , my contemporary at this university and I was genuinely delighted when he agreed to take on the herculean task of giving a lecture a centenary lecture on James Joyce .
8 My father did n't know that because he was hardly ever around but when he did put in an appearance , the aunt behaved differently . ’
9 But after nationalization , it was obvious , when he did put in an appearance or and that was very rare , there was n't the same palaver for his visit .
10 There were tears in his eyes when he crouched to gather up the debris , scooping it into a pile with both hands while Sweetheart roared with laughter .
11 ‘ Alan played a brilliant shot when he needed to open up the last two reds . ’
12 Some had children that are at an age where there might be a tendency towards vandalism , one of whom had been speedily dealt with by her when he attempted to slide down the oak bannister , kicking her as he went down .
13 In the 1860s the first policeman ever sent to the fen village of Wicken was killed when he tried to break up a Saturday night brawl .
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