Example sentences of "when [pers pn] have first [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I had first heard of my appointment to Stornoway I had been elated at the prospect of leaving a somewhat dull routine existence down south .
2 She began to feel young and amazingly pretty , like she had felt all those years ago when she had first emerged from the chrysalis of self-conscious adolescence to spread her butterfly wings .
3 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
4 Mr Gibbon had been an industrialist whose firm had employed the ad agency which Aunt Ilsa had worked for when she 'd first moved to London .
5 When she 'd first qualified in forensic medicine he 'd been a young sergeant .
6 When they 'd first arrived at the Base , she had quite liked the old Administrator , but since Paula 's death he 'd changed .
7 She knew what he was looking at — the pile of birthday cards on the kitchen table , and the letter that she had just started to rip open when he had first thumped on her door .
8 Bobby Anscombe , who had reacted badly when he had first heard of the deaf-aid idea , was forced to admit at the end that it might work .
9 When he had first arrived at the then strange , adult world of Carewscourt , he had been delighted to find another boy of his own age living on the estate .
10 He felt comfortable now watching the black faces on the pavement , screwed up against the drizzle , but remembered his resentment when he had first learned of his posting .
11 Now that he was a man he was no more capable of working unsupervised than when he had first come to the farm at the age of twelve .
12 He remembered how Minch had spoken to him like this when he had first come to the Cages .
13 When he had first come to Maythorpe House as an ignorant thirteen-year-old who had never before lived in anything grander than a tiny gardener 's cottage , he had felt awed and frightened , and unable to grasp that this huge place was now his home .
14 When he had first come to Egypt Garvin had insisted that he stay with an Arab family perfecting his Arabic .
15 She 'd sensed something when he 'd first stood in the garden with the children ; she 'd sensed it when she 'd opened the hall door to him .
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