Example sentences of "take [prep] [noun sg] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was taken off duty by the Archbishop of Canterbury .
2 The Minister says : The gentleman has made his point in his usual colourful style.His views will be taken into consideration by the Home Secretaryw when he looks at the problem
3 If the drafter wishes to ensure that headings are , or are not , taken into account by a court interpreting the terms , a provision to that effect can be included in the definitions or scope of the contract clause as follows : The headings used in these terms do not form part of the contract and no account is to be taken of them in interpreting its provisions .
4 ( 3 ) That the existence of pending proceedings in a court of superior jurisdiction was a factor to be taken into account by a judge in deciding how in the interests of justice to exercise his powers to regulate proceedings in his own court ; that the district judge had properly assessed the situation and had not erred in refusing to postpone the trials in his court until after the High Court trial ; and that , accordingly , there had been no ground for interfering with his decision ( post , pp. 265F–G , 266G ) .
5 The matters to be taken into account by an appeal committee in considering an appeal shall include — ( a ) any preference expressed by the appellant in respect of the child as mentioned in section 6 of this Act ; and ( b ) the arrangements for the admission of pupils published by the local education authority or the governors under section 8 of this Act . ’
6 An authority 's or governors ' admission arrangements are among the factors which must be taken into account by an appeal committee when considering a parent 's appeal against the admissions decision taken in respect of his or her child . ’ …
7 In both types of case , the minister 's words are considered and taken into account by the court : in both , the use of such words by the courts might affect what is said in Parliament .
8 Compliance or non-compliance is simply something to be taken into account by the court in determining whether an offence under section 20 has been committed .
9 Furthermore , the Act allows pupils ' family backgrounds , ages and aptitudes to be taken into account by the school in determining whether an act of collective worship which is not of a broadly Christian character takes place in the school .
10 Whichever method is used , certain factors have to be taken into account by the valuer in reaching a decision as to a realistic estimate of site value , such as : Economic factors State of national economy Availability of finance for developer and purchaser Interest rates Supply and demand in locality ( need for accurate market research ) Demographic changes Local employment conditions Proximity and availability of schools , shops , etc .
11 Accordingly , it might no longer be thought necessary to distinguish marital from non-marital rape in the way suggested in the Working Paper since the public and family interest could be taken into account by the Crown Prosecutor with guidance from the Director .
12 All relevant factors are taken into account by the funding councils when they decide how to allocate resources .
13 The directive was simply another obstacle which had to be taken into account by the broadcasting authorities .
14 How many of the ramifications of a particular decision ought to be explicitly taken into account by the decision-maker ?
15 Should we decide to develop our law more filly in this direction this can be accommodated within the idea that all relevant considerations should be taken into account by the decision-maker .
16 There are certain costs and benefits which are not taken into account by the price system .
17 He assured us that the preservation of a proper pension scheme would be a consideration taken into account by the Secretary of State in determining to whom the subsidiaries of the Scottish Transport Group were to be sold .
18 If it is consulted , the Regional Council will formulate a view on what is being proposed and will inform the District Council These views will be taken into account by the District Council in deciding the application .
19 Moreover , even where the use of an ineffective term is not prohibited , the attempt to " frighten off " claims may put the business in a bad light in any litigation which does result ; it may also be taken into account by the Office of Fair Trading for a number of purposes , including that of deciding whether to grant , renew or revoke a licence under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 .
20 Q18 What behavioural factors should be taken into account by the marketing manager who wishes to change consumer attitudes towards a product or service ?
21 The geographic market taken into account by the Commission was the world market , excluding China and Eastern Europe .
22 If the wife 's contribution was adequately taken into account by the figure offered by the husband , her desire , however strong , to have a greatly increased lump sum to enable her to run a hotel would not be reasonable .
23 They , or their parents or grandparents , had seen Jerusalem captured , its temple destroyed , and the ark of the covenant taken into exile by the enemy .
24 David Burnett 's 16ft inflatable boat with an outboard motor was taken in tow by a trawler 25 miles off Cornwall .
25 He remembers the onset of class guilt and embarrassment during the war when as a small , spoiled , fat model child , he was taken to school by a governess in the Moravian village where they were evacuated .
26 The response of those engaged in the arduous labours which led to the conclusion of the Convention is no doubt not dissimilar to that of the scholar who writes a book on the doctrine of unconscionability in contract law and is then taken to task by a reviewer for his failure to cover breach and termination — in other words , for not writing a different book .
27 If the giving of grounds is seriously taken on board by the individual as an integral part of this valued form of life , then the individual will be led to pose to himself or herself some of the likely questions from an external observer .
28 She had been taken by surprise by the suddenness with which the little helicopter had unstuck itself from the landing pad , and the unnerving rapidity of their ascent .
29 Like their Western counterparts , the Israeli government was evidently taken by surprise by the invasion of Kuwait and questions were raised later in the month as to why Mossad ( the country 's intelligence service ) had not known of Saddam 's intentions .
30 Even so , the editors were taken by surprise by the demand .
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