Example sentences of "take [adv] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Stress affects posture : often people look slumped , their shoulders sag and they hunch their back ; alternatively they hold themselves very rigid so that the muscles of the shoulders and neck especially are set ; their face takes on a fixed expression with perhaps staring eyes or clenched jaw ; muscular tics and involuntary twitches can arise ; for some people cramp is stress-related .
2 In any semiconductor electrons move freely through a crystalline lattice and because the conduction electrons are shared by all the atoms the lattice takes on a tube-like character for easy passage of electrons .
3 And takes on a surprising amount of colour : RED , naturally .
4 The small , elite , central control agencies such as the Cabinet Office or Treasury takes on a new significance in the context of this kind of analysis ( Dunleavy 1986 ) .
5 The problem arises when a batch of recruits enter military service or when a large company takes on a new set of graduates .
6 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
7 FIESTA takes on a new meaning at Sekers as those with Spanish holidays on their minds adjust to making fabrics for the car instead .
8 WORK shadowing , a technique usually used for pupils to follow managers around their daily tasks , takes on a new aspect at Swindon , where teachers shadow apprentices on the press lines , and Rover management teaches in local schools .
9 But the question of the hierarchy between the two discourses involved in the metaphoric relation takes on a new light in Such .
10 But the term takes on a specific meaning in those studies in the sociology of policing which are inspired by ethnomethodology and phenomenology , where it describes a quality of the accomplishment of these tasks — that they are produced in a taken-for-granted , commonsensical , and habitual manner .
11 Because we earn no money for the bulk of our day 's work , buying things takes on a rich range of meanings .
12 The analysis of ideology then takes on a critical role by describing the social determination of knowledge in terms of particular social forms that both give rise to the contradictions present in ideology and are legitimized by its content .
13 The novel 's apocalyptic ending takes on a universal dimension by being implicitly compared to a nuclear holocaust .
14 Clearly it takes on a further significance in the context of the discussion in this paper .
15 This approach means that the task of establishing and maintaining control takes on a different form at the Delphi Centre ; the deliberate employment of ‘ control periods ’ .
16 Ideally , the community physiotherapist takes on the wider responsibility of not only teaching the carers , but also assessing and treating the patient 's particular problems through a progressive rehabilitation programme .
17 As Wilfred Owen moves into the second stanza he takes on the bigger issue of what he is really trying to say .
18 ‘ Scalpel ! ’ , then , takes on the indexical value in this context of ‘ Pass me that particular scalpel ’ .
19 However , by delegating authority to subordinates , the superior takes on the extra tasks of calling the subordinates to account for their decisions and performance , and also of coordinating the efforts of different subordinates .
20 The famous Chapter 5 of the first book , which deals with the transformation of labour from a stage where it is a ‘ part of life ’ to a stage under capitalism when it takes on the imaginary form of a thing separate from the labourer , when it can be bought and sold , is worked out in Formen , in the discussion of tribal , oriental , and ancient societies which it contains .
21 Operations support superintendent Barry Edwards takes on the added responsibility for those functions which were previously carried out by production branch .
22 It takes only a small leap of imagination to think of much wider applications , from artificial wetlands full of bird-life designed to remove agricultural phosphates from Loch Leven 's influent streams , perhaps , to plant-filled lagoons created to transform fish farm effluents into natural water gardens .
23 For most materials — like iron and stone — it takes only a tiny fraction of a calorie to raise the temperature by one degree C.
24 If the skin is healthy , it takes only a few minutes for the molecules to be absorbed ; much longer if the skin is congested or if there is much subcutaneous fat .
25 If a tenant takes only an upper floor of a building and has no more than a right to use the entrance hall for the purposes of approaching the property demised he must stipulate for the right to put a nameplate outside the property ( other than that part demised to him ) if he desires this convenience ( Berry ( Frederick ) Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland [ 1949 ] 1 KB 619 per Lord Goddard CJ at 621 ) .
26 Sir Richard , 60 , who beat a challenge from Belgian Gen Jose Charlier , takes over the three-year post from Norwegian Gen Vigleik Eide .
27 The leader as always is er is a directive agency , the leader as it were erm takes over the individual self-determination by erm effectively telling telling the good what to do erm how can this er does this have to be in in one direction only I mean one gets the feelings very often you know you see things in the newspaper crowd hysteria and so on , erm do crowds always have to become kind of primitive and regressed or or can leaders influence them in other directions ?
28 COME 1 JANUARY , THE MAN WHO turned GM Europe into a profitable operation and fathered winners such as the Calibra takes over the top spot at Chrysler .
29 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , refuses to bless the undertaking — and thus open the way for private financing of part of it — until it has wrung several concessions from the British .
30 China , which takes over the British colony in 1997 , has flatly rejected two plans .
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