Example sentences of "know a [adj] [noun sg] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 To till properly , you must know a great deal about every bit of your land — you will find variations between different parts of even one small field — soil texture , structure , acidity , drainage , and history must all be considered ; as must the significance of the life within the soil and its relationship to fertility .
2 I do n't know a great deal about the sorcerers of the Future , ’ said Calatin , who actually knew nothing at all about them , but thought it would sound unprofessional to admit this , ‘ but I do n't think we should rely on them .
3 I do not know a great deal about the Labour party 0898 line , but I know that the complaints that I have made for many years to the Minister and his predecessors have been not about Neil Kinnock but about the serious pornographic messages that I believe have contributed significantly to the crimes of violence against women that take place outside on the streets .
4 Fen seemed to know a great deal about the area , and as they ate their sandwiches , served with a generous helping of salad , he talked continuously , so unlike his normal taciturn self that Robbie suspected he was steering clear of more personal and controversial topics .
5 These rural people know a great deal about the land issue and agriculture , but the implications of a one party state do not affect them directly .
6 I know a great deal about the difficulty of getting homoeopathic treatments referred by general practitioners because there is a homoeopathic hospital in my constituency .
7 Yet we actually know a good deal about the characteristics of good care …
8 yes , it 's tonight , it 's filling in the application form , but we 're asking you to read the scenario so you know a little bit about the people , and then this is all the information that 's been gathered .
9 Erm , I suppose I have one advantage , which is I know one or two people in the audience and I think I know a little bit about the nature of the audience , er , and you gathered why from er , the Chair 's introduction .
10 ‘ That was before the shrimp dish reached the dining-room ’ , said Milsom , revealing that he already knew a great deal about the evening .
11 And he knew a great deal about the Secret Police hit squads .
12 Erm exactly what , we did n't know , we were al we all knew a little bit about the seals , however we had studied about the seals in a different way and it did n't make sense and we were young people who who were searching .
13 I can only go on reading their case notes , and knowing a little bit about the home situation from talking to folks … ’
14 Remember that a lecturer is usually appointed , not because he can teach , but because he knows a great deal about a particular topic in which he has specialised .
15 The discovery that someone knows a great deal about the effects of drugs and has strong opinions or whether or not a particular drug or process is or is not addictive is a strong positive indicator of addictive disease .
16 Coetzee knows a good deal about an attempt to kill the chief of the ANC 's military wing and leader of the South African Communist Party , Chris Hani , with a car bomb .
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