Example sentences of "when [pron] be [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It seemed that he would n't be kind when I was ill , but only when I was badly behaved and unpleasant to him .
2 She soon became absorbed , oblivious to the passage of time , and was startled when she was politely informed that the doors would shortly be closed for the midday break .
3 When she was fully dressed and made-up , she called Jenny in to do her hair for her .
4 According to studies into the side on which men ‘ dress ’ , seventy-five per cent have penises that lie to the left when they 're fully clothed as opposed to a mere seventeen per cent that have penises that lie to the right .
5 ‘ Trade unions have not given adequate support to black members when they are racially harassed and discriminated against .
6 Exhibitions and trade shows work well when they are carefully mounted and the reasons for attending are commercially sound .
7 Those admitted to the acute wards with severely uncontrolled diabetes are transferred when they are sufficiently recovered and undergo assessment of their self-management .
8 Only when they are fully fledged and ready to fly do they demolish it and leave .
9 This shows significant differences : women 's wishes were taken into account most frequently when they were informally admitted or not admitted .
10 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
11 Equally , faith grows and flourishes when it is well nourished and exercised , so the best way to resist doubt is to build up faith rather than simply to fight against doubt .
12 When it is also remembered that Belorussia had the lowest literacy rate of all European Russia , the sluggish response of the denizens of the Roslavl' area comes as no surprise .
13 ( iv ) Differently , it seems difficult to accept that consciousness is tolerably conceived when it is so conceived that it follows that anything that can be regarded as passing through certain sequences of causal or logical states is conscious .
14 Radiography can reveal the original construction of an object even when it is so corroded that no external evidence is left .
15 It was easy , however , to discount this evidence at a time when opinion polls were in their infancy , at least so far as credibility was concerned , and when it was universally thought that support would return to Churchill as soon as his formidable oratorical skills were thrown in on one side of the party contest .
16 When it was later discovered that this was not the case , the final ‘ e ’ was dropped and the name became vitamin .
17 Much surprise was caused in the Swedish trade when it was later announced that she was to head a new educational publishing venture being set up by Sweden 's biggest publishing concern , Bonniers .
18 Its lineage reaches back , via the accusations against the Hollywood ‘ talkies ’ and the earliest silent movies , through and beyond the Music Halls at the turn of the century when directly similar complaints were voiced , towards the cheap theatres and penny-gaffs of early Victorian England when it was commonly alleged that the portrayal of the daring exploits of Jack Sheppard and Dick Turpin caused young people to imitate their crimes , and then back towards the eighteenth century 's disapproval of popular amusements such as fairs , interludes , public shows and minor theatres .
19 Gradually the business declined , but the mid-1980s saw a dramatic change of use when it was substantially renovated and converted into a restaurant , care being taken to retain the two undershot water wheels and much of the machinery , some of which reputedly dates from the late 18th century .
20 He found the wording offensive enough , but when he was later informed that the composition was that of a witch his anger boiled over .
21 And when he was nearly killed when he crashed his car on a motorway he had a Brahms symphony on his radio , which he now uses as his theme tune .
22 How could he do this to her — forever turning up when he was least expected and always managing to catch her at a disadvantage ?
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