Example sentences of "when [pron] [noun] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Playground language ’ I used to call it when my sons explored that path .
2 I knew Penny Lane and it was , alas , enough Crilly , and when my father came one day and asked what I was looking at , I said Penny Lane and he stood for awhile and looked for awhile , while the roof held its breath it seemed and then he said , after all that standing and all that looking , he said , ‘ You 're right ’ , and hoisted me up upon his shoulders .
3 Manchester United3 MANCHESTER United 's impressive season continued when their youngsters clasped one hand firmly on the FA Youth Cup with a 3–1 victory over Crystal Palace in the first leg of the final at Selhurst Park last night .
4 The bodies of eight of the nine airmen killed when their Hercules crashed last week have been flown back to RAF Lyneham .
5 As it happened , the Council system soon showed its value when its monitors discovered radioactive contamination under the gantry where nuclear fuel flasks from Hinkley Point were loaded on to trains at Bridgwater railway station , en route to Sellafield .
6 With a lame smile , because she was n't at all sure if Terry was being serious or not , Ellie groaned when her tummy chose that moment to give an embarrassing rumble .
7 The child took no notice and made no sound when her father slapped one arm and yanked her up by the other .
8 When Her Majesty used this coach , a platform , or flat truck was placed ahead of it to give an unobstructed view .
9 By comparison , Britain 's first lady , Norma Major , is a quiet , unassuming woman who almost squirmed with discomfort when her husband became Prime Minister .
10 And when her husband cracked another joke , she found she could laugh with the rest .
11 play , when his mum had this thing in the
12 When his sheep ate some clover the other day , and were swollen just like these , he sent for Gabriel at once , and Gabriel saved their lives . ’
13 The fellowship was named in memory of Loss , the eye-smartingly popular bandleader , when his family contributed some sponsorship .
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