Example sentences of "take the [noun] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a separate agreement the heads of member states agreed that Russia should take the seat at the United Nations formerly occupied by the USSR , and a framework of interstate and inter-governmental consultation was established .
2 It is a relief to hear him taking the Trio at the same speed as the Scherzo , and not inexplicably slowing down like so many others .
3 Those who took the decisions at the Fourth Lateran Council were a very small group of cardinals close to the pope and , on occasion , the pope himself , alone .
4 Mr Smith took the constituency at the last election by a majority of little more than twelve hundred , but believes his five years as MP will make his seat safe .
5 Prime Minister Vitold Fokin , however , took the offensive at the parliamentary session on July 3 , condemning attempts by parliament to interfere in government affairs , threatening the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers , and walking out with all but two of his ministers .
6 For his part , the President stood with the rest of the politburo on the mausoleum of the man who made it all happen — Lenin — and took the salute at the military and civilian parade through Red Square .
7 ‘ It is disappointing because he was just getting the hang of Wimbledon and he would have won if he had n't taken the knock at the first bend , ’ said Williams .
8 Could you please remind me about what to do if I forget to take the pill at the right time ?
9 Beaten 6–3 , 6–3 in their previous encounter , 6ft 5ins tall Ainley , a former Hampshire County choice , avenged himself with a superb display to take the title at the fourth attempt with a 6–2 , 6–1 win .
10 He watches a man arrive who , we discover , has come to take the cure at the local sanatorium .
11 Although Il Moro led for the first two legs , New Zealand showed her fearsome ability to climb to windward when she squeezed up from underneath Il Moro to take the lead at the third mark .
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