Example sentences of "take a long time [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This is because its chronicity can be achieved only by delivering a massive insult or repeated dosing so that it takes a long time for the acute ulcer to heal and often leads to the death of the animal in the acute phase .
2 ‘ It 'll take a long time in the courts , wo n't it , though ? ’
3 Erm , I was going to mention , as Rob has done the increase in new complaints , which I think is somewhat welcome erm , we 're still taking a long time from the averages over the last twelve months , I think that 's just reflecting being out some days over the ones you 've been talking about , er , we 're down on actual stage one equipments in the month erm , we 're not quite sure why that is , mm it 's just the way things have panned out .
4 The gay Vicar , who loved the sound of his own voice , took a long time over the service and Daisy 's thoughts started to wander .
5 The blaze commenced one lunchtime when few people were in the premises , so there was no loss of life , but it took a long time for the blaze to be brought under control and some days before the firemen were able to be sure that there was no risk of further outbreaks of fire .
6 It took a long time for the penny to drop with me about why I was so apparently popular in men 's organizations in the aftermath of so many women deciding to work separately .
7 It took a long time for the plague to be controlled and for strongholds of the riding families to be overthrown .
8 That 's why it took a long time for the light to get to you . ’
9 It took a long time for the plumber to come round but at least it was done , you know that day .
10 ‘ It 's taken a long time for the guilt to surface . ’
11 It had taken a long time for the initial hostility and suspicion between them to wear off .
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