Example sentences of "take it down [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll have a word with her when she 's awake , she 's still on a third dream I should think at the moment but she 's er , certainly good talking , I could , I could try and get her without her knowing about it and see what happens , just dinner time I 'll take it down and try it , oh you 're gon na take it round Steve 's ai n't you ?
2 You see I put me poster up in the window and then me flipping dad said to me I do n't know whether you should have that poster up , what if Miss is around , Conservative , so I bloody took it down and put it in a magazine , I thought when we 've got
3 He took it down and kept it beside his bed .
4 Remembering what Gloria had said , Melissa took it down and sniffed it , hoping to detect some tell-tale trace of scent , but there was nothing .
5 It was one of those cosmic accidents which are no accident , that the next day , when she called in at a bookshop to look for some more Morris titles , she should find on the same shelf the total output of Professor M. L. Vaughan ; and among the rest his : Aurae Phiala : A Pleasure City of the Second Century A.D. She took it down and opened it at random , and the prose caught her by its incandescent fervour .
6 Let it get gamey and he 's erm Chinese assistant the person who has been assigned to sort of look after him and do his do his translating and things like that took it down and buried it cause they did n't eat rotten meat they did
7 take it down and put it in the bottom of the
8 ‘ Then please take it down and hang it in the hall .
9 All I do I got out sort of the sort of about eight thirty and then I , I 'd work to about half three and all I 'd wan na do is , we , we 'd fucking , we 'd set up the cable then we 'd all sit down and do nothing while the old erm , the M O D people had obviously it , and then they tell us to take it down and move it and we move it and set it up again , its like out of a , out of a seven hour day , we 'd only work about three or four , like here .
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