Example sentences of "know [that] [pers pn] could [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
2 Did everyone know that he could n't read ?
3 We do know that he could n't have used a beehive .
4 ‘ They did n't know that he could n't have drawn a proper furrow let alone a real good 'un if he had n't got his owd pipe a-drawin' in his mouth !
5 You see , when I became yard inspector , the staff soon got to know that they could n't kid me , they could n't kid me you see .
6 She was n't sure just how she felt , but she retained enough control to know that she could n't give in to shock in front of fitzAlan .
7 We know that we could n't earn our salvation , we know that we do n't deserve , that we know that we could n't merit it .
8 We know that we could n't earn our salvation , we know that we do n't deserve , that we know that we could n't merit it .
9 And er really er they themselves thought exactly the same like , but they were talking about other people telling them you know that they could n't get this far but they did .
10 ‘ I know that he could n't have done owt to Mr Bishop , though ! 'Cos he was n't here on Friday .
11 There are drawbacks to the house and sometimes we think about moving again , but I know that I could n't leave that garden . ’
12 You could have — I know that now , and I also know that I could n't have coped with it then . ’
13 Now , as they sat across from each other at the shady table with the heady scent of jasmine sweetening the hot air , Ruth know that it could n't go on like this much longer .
14 Broadly , if the courts believe the authority would still have granted the consent if they had known that they could not have imposed the condition in question , the permission stands without the offending condition , but if the answer is that they probably would not , then the permission itself falls .
15 And she had somehow thought that he would have known that she could not go .
16 She should have known that she could n't outwit him !
17 Simply I had known that I could n't go on living with my mother .
18 He had scarcely known Maggie , could not have known that he could not have chosen a better treat than this mysterious park , with its vast statues carved out of the living rock : the huge-mouthed cave with its mighty teeth , the vast stone giant , his shoulders visible through bushes a hundred yards away , half hidden in greenery ; and above all , the great carved stone dragon with its broken wings , and wild Chinese eyes .
19 So was the living space of the small field animals , who crowded together , not knowing that they could not escape the machine in the end .
20 I left knowing that we could not make anything together .
21 He waved to the bartender , knowing that he could n't expect her to make any coherent reply to such compliments .
22 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
23 ‘ I 'll take them , ’ she said decisively , not even bothering to haggle over the price , knowing that she could n't have found anything even remotely comparable at home .
24 For example , a social worker felt that clients could speak more openly to him because they knew he could not recognise them in other contexts , and a counsellor reported that her clients would sometimes say that they could speak more openly knowing that she could not see them .
25 Although he knew that they could not reach beyond the full extension of their chains , Frankie was never fully convinced that he was safe from them .
26 The founders of the Community knew that they could not create a viable organisation if they established goals that could never be achieved .
27 Yet the Nazis knew that they could not behave too outrageously because there was always the threat that the League of Nations might call in the Poles to annex the city and suppress the NSDAP in the name of European peace .
28 Before this season he always knew that we could n't survive without him , but now we can , now we have another star .
29 It refused as it knew that it could not do so and survive at home .
30 And after all , I knew that you could n't plead a prior engagement . ’
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