Example sentences of "know [that] they can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
2 They need to know that they can give you your professional , their professional attention they will not make it compulsively , the majority party of what went wrong this is you were no longer the majority party .
3 Bond owners might like to know that they can use her Knitmaster Chunky ribber-carrying cases for their machines — the bags are the perfect size for the Bond Classic .
4 Furthermore they know that they can trust him because he will not filch money from the common agricultural policy , as Labour would do , to use it for other purposes .
5 Some older people who live alone or who can not get out appreciate the security of knowing that they can contact someone in an emergency .
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