Example sentences of "time it be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He or she may — and probably will — possess a more subtle view of ‘ professionalism ’ than the capacity to deliver examination results , but at the same time it is well known that many parents and politicians see those results as the crucial way by which schools account for their success or failure .
2 Since lexicographers can only proof single entries at a time it is not envisaged that providing this space will cause a problem .
3 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
4 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
5 At that time it was not realised that the investigating team were already in possession of the evidence necessary to determine the cause of the accident and it was entirely fortuitous that the body that was removed from under the pathologist 's nose was not one containing vital evidence .
6 This time it was widely recognised that a change in policy was necessary if it was to be achieved .
7 At one time it was widely believed that there had been a great rise in the birth-rate ; there was , in fact , a slow rise to the end of the 1861–70 decade , after which the rate began to fall .
8 At the time it was widely believed that Sugar would not be returning to operational flying , as the following press release issued at the time seemed to indicate :
9 At the time it was widely forecast that if the Lords ' experiment was a success the Commons would be forced to follow suit .
10 At the time it was widely held that the early parts of the visual system acted like a closed-circuit television , with the eye acting as the camera and the visual cortex acting as the TV monitor .
11 Although it later transpired that the RSSPCC were contracted by the Social Work Department to remove and question the South Ronaldsay children , at the time it was generally understood that Orkney 's own social workers were mainly involved .
12 By this time it was generally considered that the forests were anachronistic and unprofitable .
13 Quite often the form was outdated by the time it was finally authorized and the clerks would tell the luckless petitioner to start all over again .
14 At a later time it was even decreed that should there be no male ( in particular a father ) available to sever the foreskin and make the blood flow , then the child should wait until he had grown up and then perform the operation himself .
15 At the time it was genuinely believed that he was a significant factor in the unsatisfactory World Cup performance .
16 At that time it was still believed that Mercury did keep the same face to the Sun , and therefore this temperature was used to support the idea that Mercury had an atmosphere , because such an atmosphere would transport heat around from the Sun-facing side , thus raising the night-side temperature .
17 Course that was only time it was ever fired because it was , it had caused that much disturbance and disruption with the gun .
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