Example sentences of "see if [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is nevertheless worth examining some more recent theories to see if they can suggest ways in which the implications of Brooke-Rose 's approach might be applied to novelistic texts .
2 There are even now other issues on the pensions debate we have employers like Telecom using pension funds to fund redundancies we now even have the government looking to see if they can get hold of pension fund money in British Rail and in the Coal Board to see if they can also fund job losses .
3 Well there 's no reason not to do that since we 'll also be wanting to see if we can tape council meetings .
4 It 's more of a trick to see if we can get artistic freedom within a business structure — to see if we can create things and sell them without charging five times our cost . ’
5 Attention has been focused on the composition of these deposits to see if we can link implements to specific mines .
6 but we 're having votes to see if we should let girls in but we should n't .
7 I initially approached the Vice Chairman of our Brecknock Branch , Morlais Owens , to see if he would represent CPRW on the forum .
8 Its funny ( sort of ) , Iwas contemplating sending a begging letter to Mr Humphries to see if he could get hold of a shirt for me …
9 He decided to investigate , to see if he could gain entry , and crossed the clearing towards the front door .
10 Want to see if I can spot Miss and Victor .
11 You want me to see if I can find Mick do n't you ?
12 With one , one man said I used to put , in the cold mornings I used to put my other hand at the bottom to see if I could get heat , but he could n't touch his fingers because they were so tender .
13 The X Business Group , the force trying to energize this new-fangled trade organisation , the X Industry Association ( UX No 410 ) , has extended the December deadline it set to see if it could get industry backing until January because the solicitation letters just went out .
14 When Tessa went out of the room to see if she could help Jannie the boys turned on Bob at once with all their usual wildness , jumping up and down in his lap , punching him in the chest , and trying to pull off his shoes .
15 She searched the hazy , unfocused faces to see if she could find Johnny amongst them , but she could not be sure .
16 Feeling dejected , she tried to push the questions from her mind , and as soon as the register formalities had been completed she left the office and went to see if she could assist Matt with the loading of the barbecue trailer .
17 Anne wants to see if she can have Peter over the weekend sometime .
18 ‘ And since we 're already developing the Christmas issue , ’ she added , ‘ let's see if we can surprise Nina when she gets back . ’
19 I think that the rest of the situation should be more or less a straight across thing , and I 'm gon na see if we can get Paul
20 Well let's see if we can get things quietened down for your life .
21 We 've got ta see if we can get Susan 's coat drop in .
22 Oh I 'll see if I could get ideas .
23 ‘ I 'll see if I can locate Mr Clancy , ’ she said , in some alarm .
24 Oh right well I 'll erm er see er I 'll , I 'll see if I can catch Ian and , and , and see what , see what 's happened to it
25 Let me see if I can get Bryony to see where this moorhen is .
26 Not just on my own he just said that , it was a bit bad cos I , I said to him , you know , who 's going and he listed like er reeled off , I ca n't remember , reeled off a load of blokes yes last night and I said are there any girls going and he said well I 'll see if I can get Laura and Giles to come and I said yeah I feel much better about that , you know , whatever and then today he said erm look ca n't go and was a real , I du n no he 's got something and he 's usually like the real medium and he , you know , if there 's e if there 's ever like a pregnant pause then he 's the one that like keeps it all going
27 ‘ I 'll see if I can get tickets , ’ was all he offered before kissing her sweetly on the mouth and going inside to get some paperwork together for the meeting with his lawyer who was driving out from Palma to see him .
28 Do n't you wan na see if you can put page numbers
29 Which is the wood , that one there right , look let's see if you can write wood where the , the label for wood about there , let's see if you can write wood for me on there .
30 Which is the wood , that one there right , look let's see if you can write wood where the , the label for wood about there , let's see if you can write wood for me on there .
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