Example sentences of "one of the [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 One of the problems that I get asked about frequently is how to reduce the waviness at the cast-on edge of the rib .
2 To think about this , we now have to relax one of the restrictions that I built into the computer game : we shall end by seeing why I built that restriction in in the first place .
3 Would it be a convenient moment for the right hon. Gentleman to answer one of the questions that I asked ?
4 But I I I 'm at early in the morning so me mammy says , Why do n't you try one of the Diazepam that I 've got .
5 After all , one of the reasons that I 'm doing this job is that I 'm plugged into what 's going on out there .
6 And that 's one of the reasons that I do n't like it !
7 Erm , funnily enough earlier on in August , erm , I rang you up about Yugoslavia , and er , I , one of the reasons that I gave for not , the Europeans , not intervening in Yugoslavia was my fear that it might lead to the Russian military unseating Gorbachev and my , er , discard that the , the sick man of Russia , so erm , sort of parallel I , well I would n't parallel it with Yugoslavia , my argument in Yugoslavia was that we should n't intervene because we do not have primary interests with , I mean , well we clearly have general interest but we do n't have primary interest , additionally in Russia is that everybody , in the world have interest but I would definitely here say that Britain should clearly do nothing per .
8 And one of one of the things that I 've got on a regular basis is the many of the things Harlow Council put on like pop concerts country and western have actually been used by people who who perhaps live outside of Harlow so the Council are now looking at a charging policy but also we should also gon na introduce into the theatre is the leisure card which actually includes that the people actually live in the town local and the reproductional sort of show if they can do so they should buy .
9 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
10 And one of the things that I 'm not sure we have addressed adequately now and perhaps wo n't this evening is how to get people into the theatre and I really thing that it would be worthwhile trying to find out stops people coming in .
11 you ca n't hear me , right , ok , I 'll try and speak up a little bit louder , erm my work , I work erm here and I work abroad and I live in Durham , er I 'm a writer and erm one of the things that I 'm most interested in is using art as an inspiration for my work as a , as a writer and I 'd like to be able to show you by this talk , how I do that , erm , I have a few publications , my work 's performed by a local group actually based in Newcastle and I 'm a member of er a group called Another Story and my work 's been put to music by a composer and er a play and the play and sing that , that the pieces of
12 Erm but one of the things that I am doing is over the next quarter with , various people begin to review the cleaning schedules of what they actually do , whether we clean them on a on a more frequent basis rather than just responding that particular area .
13 Cos one of the things that I said , you know , just when I was looking through the last five or six months is that it did seem er , to be inconsistent in terms of certain areas like the first floor , there 's an awful lot of reporting going on but , there was very little from the other , from the other areas .
14 But erm o one of the things that I asked Jane to look at was we want , it 's quite an expensive operation is this just in our salaries and the loss of fees from us from twenty four people
15 One of the , one of the things that I mean the is cards .
16 I really do think that one of the things that I 'm unhappy about this evening is that people are concerned that our profession is n't caring .
17 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
18 for example about , because you know one of the things that I 've thought about for quite a long time is the idea of encouraging voluntary organizations , concerned with the disability to get more interested in the arts and that 's obviously what Mecca is
19 Erm one of the things that I like to emphasize er at this stage is that although it 's self employed it is as close to being employed as you can possibly be with a company but then but still destined by your own efforts to earn earn the money .
20 When I yeah when I was commercial manager for er one of the things that I was given the job to do was to sort out the company 's buying .
21 Now , one of the things that I find increasing increasingly so , is the fact that words become popular , do n't they ?
22 Er would the factories between them be able to help with that for a spell Er one of the things that I 'm slightly concerned about is if you 've only got old buffers on the stand erm rather than younger people
23 I mean I one of the things that I 've always sort of had in mind is that we put it down in the reception area .
24 O K , I just wanted us to , to do that erm , because erm , one of the things that I suspect when you 're getting down to doing your plan tomorrow , is that with the best will in the world , even though I say but this is for sales course , one of things you will want objectively to look at is either your revenue or your trading base or something , er , I just wanted to carry that through .
25 you 'll you 'll be very comfortable with it and I can tell you now that 's one of the things that I got tied up with so
26 everything basically comes down to numbers , er see , when I was talking to you earlier about about canvassing , right , I said basically you work on key words right now you do n't need you , one , one of the things that I talked to you about canvassing is that if you notice the difference between a good canvass and a bad canvass , at least we did n't in fact activity sort of work to do in it , now if you take a , take a activ activity as being , being a key word and you discuss activity with them , right , you can then look at , at activity right as a variation on activity as there is on to action , right , now sit and do my script and talking to a customer , right , and mouthing and mouthing and mouthing and mouthing and saying your bit to a customer , you 've got to sound like a parrot , now I know the way you canvass , the centre of action between you and the cu and the punter , do you see what I mean ?
27 One of the things that I used to do was train and I know the feeling , I know the excitement , I know the adrenalin that pumps round the body , when you go in for the kill .
28 Er , one of the things that I I I do wish hand-book writers would er , do , is to erm , write whenever practical , to seek out the strength of the group , at the beginning , so , that for example , how mu if there are those of us who 've been magistrates or been before the court , or involved in legal processes .
29 One , one of the things that I think will be in value to you , once the systems in place , is to have some standard agenda items for the quality committee meeting and that may be sensible as being one of them .
30 What I , one of the things that I , I think you must have somewhere , and that is that at some stage you order something , you get it in and somehow someone has to tell accounts that yes , they can pay that invoice .
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