Example sentences of "one [noun sg] [coord] [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 JIM KELLY ran for one touchdown and threw for another as Buffalo beat Denver 27-17 to move within sight of an NFL play-off spot .
2 In that case , the Dip.HE for such students will continue to be very largely the first two years of a degree course , though its provision may increase if credit transfer develops nationally and it becomes more common for students to undertake a two-year Dip.HE course in one institution and move to another for a third year .
3 Right , any time you read a story , whether it be religious or science fiction , or whatever , in which somebody is taken out of one body and put into another body erm and the story goes , and then was turned into a pig , or whatever , erm , presumably that author has it in mind that you can still identify , that same guy , first in one body and then in the body of a pig .
4 Suck in one place and dump in another , and you have the basis of a refrigerator .
5 Power , then , in pluralist analyses , is not a simple property that is given to one group and denied to another on the basis of economic or social position .
6 And this goblin came along one day and says to this peedie fairy that like he was coming to get her in the morning .
7 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
8 In particular , Lubow , Rifkin , and Alek ( 1976 ) themselves have shown that animals pre-exposed in one environment and tested in another can learn more readily than a control group exposed neither to the stimuli nor to the test apparatus .
9 Amazing you sit there at night and they come from under one chair and shoot under another .
10 I think if you 've got it inside you , I do n't think you have to turn your back on any one subject and concentrate on another .
11 He could only see it himself by standing with his back to one mirror and looking in another .
12 Well just do n't think about one thing and forget about all the others .
13 You mentioned earlier walking in one tempo and singing in another .
14 He stood on the table in one lesson and went like this , ‘ grrr ! ’
15 The shots of the older child are termed cutaways , and they serve the very useful purpose of bridging time-gaps and of hiding jumps in the action , for instance the jump between the mother looking in one direction at the end of one shot and looking in another at the beginning of the next .
16 They set out up the hillside , going slowly , picking their way from one bush and tussock to another and pausing continually to sniff and stare along the great expanse of grass , which stretched on either side as far as they could see .
17 A particular complementary technique may be recognised by orthodox circles in one country but condemned in another ; an example is osteopathy .
18 How is it possible for an external symbol , as well as one in the internal representational medium of the creature 's mind , to be employed by one animal and perceived by another as a request for a specific tool ?
19 To open the walnuts we placed them on one stone and hammered with another .
20 Pheromones are chemical signals , released by one individual and smelt by another , whose behaviour is thereby influenced .
21 Communicating in more than one language and trading in several currencies is a way of life in much of Europe , so many of our Community partners are already comparatively experienced in trading across international boundaries .
22 Individuals may leave one party and travel with another .
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