Example sentences of "one of the [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The sight of it crossing the line in barely a walk was one of the saddest of the year .
2 And he 'll put one of the Six in the prison .
3 One of the oddest of the new inventions is the Splashguard , a musical gadget which fits inside your toilet bowl .
4 Unionist MPs made much capital from the embarrassment of Liberals who had to vote the Bill down and from the ineffectiveness of John Burns , one of the weakest of the Liberal ministers .
5 If he was a nonentity , one of the lowest of the low , then he wanted his work to reveal what it was like to be such an unfortunate .
6 Lovebird came from St Vincent , one of the smallest of the five large Windward Islands .
7 The little tern , as its name suggests , is one of the smallest of the tern tribe with about eight sub-species ranging widely over both hemispheres .
8 In anyone 's book that is failure of some magnitude , but the fact for English cricket was simply that there were very few players of real Test class around at the time ; after all , when Mike Gatting , one of the best of the county captains , got his chance he won only twice in twenty-two Tests .
9 April 11 : His fabulous ‘ juggling ’ goal in the 3–0 win against Chelsea is hailed as one of the best of the season .
10 Last year 's Australian GP at Phillip Island was one of the best of the year .
11 Despite the unpopularity of politicians , John Major is considered one of the best of the political bunch , with 67% agreeing that he is doing a good job as Prime Minister , housewives , particularly , approve of his performance ( 74% ) , which should raise his confidence for the election .
12 Either they are one of the best of the bunch at home , or they make their name abroad .
13 Mr Taylor , 40 , a former journalist with the Financial Times , is regarded as one of the best of the younger generation of British managers .
14 And the Nissan Sunny SR is one of the best of the breed .
15 These are the actions of a Government determined to make the health service one of the best in the world .
16 I have a great live band , probably one of the best in the world .
17 I 'm not one to do double somersaults — I 'm not that acrobatic — but he 's one of the best in the country and has been for a long time .
18 Mentmore contains , after the Wallace Collection and Waddesdon , the finest collection of eighteenth-century French furniture in England — one of the best in the world .
19 We are pleased to say that this Policy is one of the best in the market to meet the requirements of Policyholders .
20 The farm is one of the best in the county and its steading high above Dunure is a well-known landmark for all who sail on the lower reaches of the Clyde estuary .
21 Our large gift shop os considered one of the best in the South East and offers a vast range of quality nostalgic gifts , such as Victorian style dolls , enamel advertising signs , tins and teddy bears .
22 The Meadhaven Clinic was , he knew , one of the best in the country , yet he felt immensely frustrated after every visit he made there .
23 The Northgate Leisure Centre is one of the best in the North West .
24 The view from the exposed summit of Ben Crom is one of the best in the Mournes , taking in , as it does , the Silent Valley , Binnian , Lamagan and beyond Donard .
25 He said : ‘ England 's problem in the European Championship was at right-back and David is one of the best in the country . ’
26 Duncan 's small room , with a metal-framed cot , small table and two chairs , was one of the best in the hotel , having been repainted a sickly pale green only six months earlier .
27 It was a big black stallion , one of the best in the Prince 's stable and Sharpe hoped the beast was battle trained .
28 In the past 12 months he has improved immensely to become one of the best in the world and to confirm Imran 's earlier forecasts .
29 Paris is a fascinating place , one of the best in the world , and it is frightening New York a lot .
30 I do n't want to be one of the best in the world , I want to be the best in the world , and everyone I come up against is a stepping stone to me getting over that bridge .
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