Example sentences of "out of the [noun sg] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was indeed , an air about the place : it was moving out of the west and by the late afternoon , gusting in winds up to 40 miles per hour , would turn over benches .
2 My goal is to get the technology out of the lab and into the hands of others . ’
3 During peak periods I 've known 200 lorries waiting to tip , backing-up out of the port and along the surrounding roads .
4 He stared at her for a moment and then shrugged and moved out of the kitchen and towards the back door .
5 She now flapped her hand as if shooing something away , then went out of the kitchen and onto the landing , and here , as she had before , she stopped , but only long enough to raise her eyes to the whitewashed ceiling as her mind said , Dear God , do n't let anything come of this .
6 She flung herself out of the kitchen and along the passage .
7 He guided Alexandra out of the kitchen and along a passage so dark that if it had not been for his hand on her elbow , she would not have known where she was going .
8 By the time that he 'd stepped out of the kitchen and into the main hall , he 'd lost her .
9 ‘ I think you 'd better rest here for a while , ’ she followed him out of the kitchen and into the sitting-room to tell him .
10 By the time he had climbed out of the valley and over the pass on a day which was fretting for a thunderstorm , he was boiling with the need to act .
11 They manhandled her out of the vehicle and through the front doors , down the corridor and into the small , windowless and empty room that had become her home for the last nine hours .
12 So without further ado , let's get on with the show … and remember , out of the black and into the red , you get nothing in this game for two-in-a-bed ! ’
13 There 's been no attempt to create the game-show 's quiz element , no digitised piccie of Jim Bowen ( hurrah ! ) , and no Bully 's prize board ( out of the black and into the red , etc ) .
14 He picked up the dead man 's only possession , a straw mat , and together he and Dong dragged the body out of the barrack and through the mud towards the jungle half a mile away .
15 Wigs were out of the question because of the cost , and most of the changes John asked for in the designs were for simplicity in making and comfort in wearing .
16 ( Vocal communication is out of the question till after the third cup of coffee . )
17 The previous year regular Arts Centre visitors complained they had been kept out of the centre because of the massive popularity of the festival .
18 Then she drifted out of the door and down the stairs , leaving the studio door open behind her .
19 Every lunchtime she watched her three male partners in Exeter-based accountancy firm Honey Perriam disappear out of the door and up the road to the local snooker club , while she sat at her desk , nibbling her sandwich .
20 Reluctantly , Kevin helped Sergeant Davidson to get the senseless Liam out of the door and into the morning air .
21 She almost danced away , out of the door and into the sunlight , blithely leaving her horse to her brother whether he had intended seeing to it or not .
22 Then with her crutch to aid her she slipped out of the door and round the blind side of the building , hobbling into the cover of the under-brush .
23 Over the next few days he was never out of the press and in one emotional moment he confided to a journalist that he felt betrayed by Scotland .
24 All eyes were staring eastward , where eight bodies , clearly outlined against the shining sea , had popped out of the helicopter and as if by magic had descended , light as feathers , to disappear among the dunes .
25 This contrasts sharply with the traditional organization where , except in the research lab , the main line of advancement in rank is out of the specialty and into general management .
26 I stumbled out of the hotel and into the middle of the road , narrowly missing being killed by a taxi .
27 He moved out of the hotel and into some serviced apartments that rented by the week and were slightly cheaper .
28 Leaving the gallery you move out of the convent and into the Church of St George next door , founded in 921 .
29 All voters tended to get more out of the system because of the levels of government grant .
30 The republicans , for their part , provided muscle , discipline and willingness to undertake risky tasks — it was the republicans who smuggled placards and banners out of the Bogside and across Craigavon Bridge to the Waterside , under the eyes of the RUC , on 5 October 1968 .
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