Example sentences of "out of [adj] [noun] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But this , of course , was the stock-in-trade of any of these people — Dutch or anybody else — who managed to get out of German-occupied Europe and fight with the Allies .
2 Entering the small church at Chivay at the head of the Colca Canyon , children had jumped out of two alcoves and run off laughing .
3 Very nice to be able to step out of used underwear and know it would be laundered and returned to its drawer pressed and scented , even better never to have to worry about clearing a table or washing up , but nevertheless there was something vaguely disconcerting about maids who went silently , sneakily about their duties under her very nose .
4 You must get out of that hotel and come and stay with us …
5 Genies and lamps , Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves , and Sinbad the Sailor all come out of that civilisation and end up singing Neighbours down at theatres across the land .
6 ‘ Get out of that restaurant and get around to Woodbine 's office .
7 I ca I ca n't get out of that car and say , you 're a fucking wanker I co the only way I could do , the only way
8 ‘ You 've checked out of one hotel and have yet to find another . ’
9 Okay so try if you can can do you think you can do that , you can try to take those four reactions out of one group and see how related they are ?
10 Right , any time you read a story , whether it be religious or science fiction , or whatever , in which somebody is taken out of one body and put into another body erm and the story goes , and then was turned into a pig , or whatever , erm , presumably that author has it in mind that you can still identify , that same guy , first in one body and then in the body of a pig .
11 These are again flakes that can be lifted out of dry gravel and float off on the surface of the water .
12 Moving people has also been tried , for instance by giving housing subsidies to poor people so that they can move out of inner-city slums and rent new homes in the suburbs .
13 In many societies , but more particularly in modern societies , there are numerous different centres of political thought and experience : educational institutions of various types ; party organizations ( including party schools and research institutes ) ; the mass media ; more or less official ‘ think tanks ’ ; the central offices of trade unions and employers ' associations ; international agencies ; and a considerable number of private associations devoted to political research and education , some of which have grown out of social movements and remain more or less closely connected with them .
14 Today 's 500s wheelie out of most turns and try and lift the front even when the rider still needs the tyre 's grip .
15 The documentary hinted that several wealthy Arab owners were threatening to pull out of British racing and take their horses abroad unless prize money went up .
16 Occasionally he produced a camera and pointed it at me , as I played on the lawn with my limber chestnut friend , Katrina ( who would later drop out of high school and become a porno star in Paris ) , or at me alone , mainly alone .
17 The signing of its charter by representatives of 144 electric utilities with working nuclear power stations was a recognition that the time had come to take the secrecy out of nuclear power and prove that there was a worldwide interest in co-operation and information exchange .
18 ( b ) if you take the aubergines , artichokes and courgettes out of those boxes and put them in the glove compartment , on the back shelf , wedge them between other things on the floor , there will be loads of space .
19 Cable cars , chairlifts and mountain railways take the strain out of steep climbs and allow relaxing walks on the mountain summits .
20 I just can not blindly believe that we move out of this life and enter into a better one .
21 Indeed she did , for having sacrificed herself for this damnable dress material it was no more than commonsense to make certain that no part of it had been damaged or soiled , that she could go to Miss Dallam presently , when she found the strength to get up out of this bed and tidy her hair and her cuts and bruises , as if absolutely nothing had occurred .
22 Doug Cantwell , chairman of West Wiltshire Conservatives , said yesterday : ‘ We have to do our best to pull ourselves out of this recession and tighten our belts .
23 The Third Division front-runners , who had already knocked Millwall out of this competition and have not lost at home for 12 months , refused to be intimidated , then turned the tables .
24 Young adult males are driven out of this group and form separate bachelor parties that must bide their time until they can steal young females and set up an oligarchy of their own .
25 She knew instinctively that Buzz would reappear to get her out of this place and help her to recover .
26 You must get out of this place and do the one good thinking you 'll ever have done for any woman .
27 ‘ Why do n't you just get out of this car and come inside for a long cool drink and a long cool swim and admit defeat ? ’
28 Providing that there was no threat to their members ' jobs , trades unions felt that they had a free hand in wage negotiations , often seeming to pluck numbers out of thin air and try it on with employers .
29 See Martin Sheen drunkenly method act himself into a heart attack , watch made Marlon improvise pure nonsense out of thin air and discover the real-life Dennis Hopper to be more manic than his character .
30 Hospitals that have chosen to opt out of health-authority control and become self-governing will start running their own affairs .
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