Example sentences of "up to the [noun sg] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is up to the individual to assess his or her own ‘ limits ’ based on their own experience and on the advice which they receive .
2 What is required , Locke argues , is that the law of nature be embodied in a set of known and established laws that there be an ind in short that it 's not just up to the individual to state what the law of nature is in any particular case , you know , you 've got a set of known and established laws , you know , which do that .
3 Failing council support therefore , it is up to the Trust to muster what support it can from local enthusiasts , and from local groups and individuals .
4 which was quicker , took her down to the mission , she stayed in the car till I went up to the mission to get our money signed for our money and come out and er
5 So if the lady was on fire , you 'd leave it basically to the Fire Brigade , obviously if you could help the lady , get a ladder up to the window to get her out of the room or something like that , you would do that , you would help in any way you can , but the real experts are the Fire Brigade so we leave all the er real technical stuff to the Fire Brigade .
6 For every complaint that you have there may be 20 dissatisfied people that have n't actually come up to the school to make their feelings known — they do n't even tell you that they are upset .
7 But itr was up to the council to decide who was a gypsy and who was not .
8 Thérèse put on a joyous smile , skipped up to the sofa to kiss her mother .
9 United Airlines and American Airlines I 've been told are n't really all that good to fly with , mate of ours went up to the airport to pick his parents up , they just got back from a holiday in and er they flew and a , on a seven hour journey , where ever it was they come from , they did n't have any food , no food , nothing , what they done is they , they , they 'd taken a container off , but they had n't put a new one on .
10 ‘ Vaughan himself , a gentleman of highest principles , warned me of his intentions , saying it was up to the king to decide what , if any , action should be taken .
11 Most of the bureau do n't supply order forms — most of their work comes in on spec — and so it is very much up to the customer to specify what is required .
12 She looked up to the ceiling to find him , she looked in spaces too small to hold a bird .
13 Somewhere down there he stubbed himself against an ill-defined but hard mass of fact , and brought it up to the surface to examine it .
14 It is up to the government to help itself in this respect by providing more judges or by limiting access to judicial review by legislation .
15 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
16 It is then up to the employer to prove you were fired fairly .
17 He was polishing glasses and he held them up to the light to check them and thereby seemed to be ignoring Maidstone completely .
18 He drew out a sturdy transparent plastic inner bag and held it up to the light to show me the contents .
19 Unlike the present law , it will not be up to the defendant to prove his belief , the burden of proof will rest on the prosecution .
20 ‘ I really ought to try to get up to the farm to fetch our Carrie down . ’
21 Louis put a hand up to the boom to steady himself and crossed the cockpit to where Gomez lay on the cockpit sole like a beached grouper .
22 During breakfast , when the guest left his room key and tag unattended at the table the criminal replaced the room key with a false one and went up to the room to complete his business undisturbed .
23 The ending of the book , is , she says , fairly open ; it is up to the reader to visualise their own ending .
24 It is up to the practitioner to decide which stance is best suited to a particular purpose .
25 Then , to quote my sister again , ‘ I took my little black kitten in my arms up to the poet to introduce it , and tall Mr Eliot bending forward to look at it remarked ‘ That 's a nice little catlet ’ ’ .
26 She can go up to the castle to beg her food .
27 It 's up to the owner to decide which way round to have the post and rails , although he must erect them on his side of the boundary .
28 The Developmental model that we discussed earlier suggested that the relationship between the leader and others will develop through various stages and it is up to the leader to know what is appropriate at any given time and with any given individual .
29 When the food taster had stepped up to the table to perform his normal duties , the T'ang had waved him away and , picking up his chopsticks , had taken the first mouthful himself .
30 Mr Catlett was deputized to ‘ keep an eye on everything ’ while Perkins went up to the vicarage to make his 'phone call .
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