Example sentences of "up and [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I wake them up and we shamble along towards the Customs .
2 But we had a loyal staff who helped clear up and we got back into business in 3 days .
3 Everything was set up and we moved off in convoy to Barry .
4 Well they came over here then and they 'd been up and they come back with Gillian and all that and they stayed .
5 Devlin got up and they walked out to the terrace .
6 Elizabeth had won the essay competition and was just about to stand up when Jessica got up and she walked up to Mr and she asked and he asked her what magazine she wanted for the year and she said Rock Seventeen Jessica knew what magazine Elizabeth wanted and she just said Rock Seventeen .
7 I do n't know how this happened , but er erm a piece of wood or something fell and hit him on the back of the neck and woke him up and he woke up from the vivid dream of being at the time of the French Revolution , of being lead up the guillotine and having his head chopped off .
8 As soon as Moran saw McQuaid on his feet again he knew the evening , all the evenings , were about to be broken up and he withdrew back into himself .
9 He hung up and I went back to the salon .
10 When I was finally allowed up and I went back to my own home I expected to forget you .
11 My mum wakes up and I wake up at two , because she 's pottering around in the kitchen , , banging about a bit more than usual .
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