Example sentences of "up a [noun] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pretend to pick up a stone and throw it at the dog .
2 Allen whistled , picked up a stone and flung it high into the trees .
3 He picked up a stone and flung it into the horse pond .
4 Instead , he picked up a stone and threw it into the bushes , then made a noise that sounded suspiciously like ‘ shoo , shoo ’ .
5 Slowly and carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the window .
6 Then , she picked up a half-brick and threw it through the drugstore window .
7 I thought that three guineas would be an appropriate amount , drew up a licence and sent it to him to sign .
8 The Queen is very quick at picking up a clue and following it through without giving the game away .
9 Aunt Kit picked up a newspaper and smoothed it out on her knee .
10 Simply the sense of physical disgust which filled me whenever I took up a brush and dipped it in paint .
11 On the cusp of the second zone , close to the mainline station — the place where he always went — Ellwood picked up a girl and took her home .
12 Then I picked up a pebble and flung it out to sea ; it rose straight up into the air and landed on the ground a few yards behind me .
13 He then picked up a stool and brought it down towards her but it smashed a ceiling light .
14 The ex-wife , bearing the tall boy 's second breakfast , stepped over him , scooped up a stool and tucked it in beside Cornelius .
15 When the opportunity beckoned , he made his point by the simple expedient of picking up a worm and popping it into the panting youngster 's mouth .
16 Gail ripped up a brochure and chucked it at Tjolle .
17 I can pick up a person and throw him two metres .
18 She came out with us for two or three days and sort of sat you know up a bit and saw us , but then the next week she was really no good at all
19 that the Germans had tidied it up a bit and turned it into a garden .
20 He picked up a toy and placed it with the others on the pile .
21 Being able to pick up a colour and press it on coloured paper was all very exciting .
22 Davide , called by his father to the piano , took up a sheet and set it on the mahogany lyre stand .
23 The action is set in a south London council flat of hideous squalor over the Easter weekend of 1990 , and it begins with a young man effing and blinding in a crescendo of impotent , inarticulate fury , before picking up a television and hurling it across the room .
24 Woolley held up a bullet and showed it to the armourer .
25 But apart from that he , he was a , he was er humorous too by nature and er he was , he was quite free in as much as if you made an approach to him , and he understood that you were n't there just for fun , he would set up a meeting and discuss it with you , er and go into details and at the same time , give you an answer at the earliest possible moment .
26 You should pick up a chair and throw it at me but
27 She pulled up a chair and patted it invitingly .
28 Then he picked up a chair and threw it at Detchard 's legs .
29 As soon as he was up and about he insisted on taking up a Magister and flying it one-handed , and before long he was back on operations with an artificial arm .
30 ‘ Wrap up a sausage and send it to him for proof , ’ Arty called as the door swung to behind him .
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