Example sentences of "up [prep] the [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 They 've got red ones , blue ones , pick them up off the ground when they 're finished with them .
2 No , I 've been and spoken to them again this morning and yesterday , R S C left it there not O S D although it 's O S D's van , so they should 've come out to move it on Friday and the mechanics did n't turn up , then they lost the keys , cos yesterday myself and who was it , Lyn , waited up for the keys cos they were gon na move down put it into a safer spot .
3 The individual who 's gon na be assertive is likely to be open and honest or likely to admit things that are not so good at honest those , but they 're not gon na necessarily apologise for those , they 're gon na treat those as statements of fact and they 're certainly gon na try and involve other people and actually say what do you think this , what are some ways forward er but it does n't mean that they 're gon na be walked all over and they still stand up for the things that they firmly believe in .
4 I just cos when I see children like that and you know there 's nothing you can really do for them , you ca n't make up for the fact that they 've got a rotten home life and that 's top and bottom line that 's what it is !
5 Deeply committed to the pursuit of mathematics and the physical sciences , he stood up for the universities when they were attacked by vituperative radicals such as Cromwell 's army chaplain , John Webster .
6 The smoke poured up towards the horizon and they were no closer to arriving at their destination , wherever and whatever that might be .
7 Finding that the aircraft would still fly , he formed up behind the Fulmar and they set course for Malta .
8 Outliners have developed nicely over recent years and this program is sure to keep up with the trends as they develop .
9 Outliners have developed nicely over recent years and this program is sure to keep up with the trends as they change .
10 Even women who were constantly abused as children by fathers , stepfathers , uncles or family ‘ friends ’ can grow up with the idea that they 're somehow guilty themselves .
11 I caught up with the others as they were entering the front door of the house .
12 The ‘ Fury needing only half throttle to keep up with the Spitfire as they climbed to get on top of the haze .
13 He caught up with the pair when they stopped to change getaway cars .
14 His place will be taken by Doddie Weir ( Melrose ) who will leave Edinburgh on Sunday to meet up with the squad when they arrive in Hong Kong on Monday .
15 His wife Jackie , 30 , said : ‘ It was the salesman who came up with the price and they have signed a contract .
16 They must then choose their wave again to carry them out and up with the swell so they can seize the ropes dangling from the platform .
17 they came down with a lot o little bottles and they filled all them bottles up with the mud and they took 'em away and anal analyzed 'em and proved that it was erm human manure you see .
18 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
19 She would tear into her staff you see and get it and then er an along the corridors you know , there 's ledges up above the doors as they slide into each compartment .
20 Tell her Jamie found four more sheep in the drifts up above the pass and they 're alive .
21 I throw up onto the floor and they pause the video for me and somebody goes to get a mop .
22 Tiles were the ro making the tiles was a major operation because erm when they first tried to make the tiles they tried they dug a hole big hole at Rawcliffe and they they tried to make forty thousand tiles , line them all up in the pit and they brought something like forty tonnes of dry wood chippings from the erm saw mills in er forest but they could n't quite get it hot enough so the whole lot had to be thrown away do again .
23 so he 's up in the air and they do this .
24 For the first few months they earned only a few pennies a week between them and Sal became convinced they would all end up in the workhouse if they kept failing to cough up the rent .
25 I was splitting my hand up in the end cos they were gone .
26 The Scots , in particular , got a hell of a lot out the Empire , proportionately the Scots had many more positions of influence and profit in the Empire than we did , and I think Scottish nationalism had it 's economic roots in the last twenty/thirty years from a realization that the Empire 's over , and that great outlet for Scottish energy , education and ambition was closed , therefore the Scots are shut up in the island as they used not to be .
27 The rate of change and the lack of sincere consultation have led to an air of defeatism and concern which is frequently summed up in the analogy that they ( the government ) keep moving the goalposts .
28 Is their failure to remember dreams on waking up in the morning because they " really " do n't dream , or is it because they fail to remember them ?
29 I used to do that , I used to get up in the morning and they were fucking gone , she had them on her fucking arse .
30 Barry 's Mum got up from the desk as they went into the waiting-room , and put her coat on .
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